
St. John Hits the Airwaves in the States

caneel commercial

Which island destination was just featured in a mainstream television commercial in the States? We’ll give you a hint: It’s a pretty swanky place.

We received an email yesterday from Stacy and Terry Armstrong of Smyrna, Tennessee. They mentioned how Caneel Bay had just appeared in a Target commercial in their home state of Tennessee. Pretty cool, huh.

So we reached out to Caneel and it turns out that they were part of an ad campaign back in November. So we’re a bit late to the party, but hey, better late than never.

Update: March 8, 2014 – We also just learned that the beautiful, sparkling pool seen in the commercial is Mare Blu villa. Mare Blu is an incredible, six-bedroom South Shore villa with panoramic, unobstructed views. (See it for yourself here: www.marebluvilla.com)

Here’s the commercial:

From what we found on ispot.tv, it seems that the ad is running on TBS and VH1 among other channels. Keep a look out for it in your area.

Big thanks to Stacy and Terry for the heads up!