The real estate market continues to observe island time: a little gets done here, a little gets done there, but not much overall. The latest Multiple Listing Service shows 43 residential properties, the same as two weeks ago. A $1.565 2-bedroom/2-bath with pool at Saunders Gut came off the MLS, while a $795,000 2-bedroom/1.5 bath, no pool property at St. Quaco and Zimmerman was added.
The Commercial Listings gained a property. Adding more focus on the growing commercial development of Coral Bay, the site of the old Pickles Deli, near the triangle turn, is being offered at $2.45 million. "Use of the name not incl," according to the MLS.
In other categories, the inventory of land increased by five lots to 143. Condominium offerings, up 1 to 8, timeshares increased 10 to 93, and commercial/business properties now total 9.