Concrete footings and a ramp have been built to improve access to the Post Office’s "annex," a trailer next to its building in Cruz Bay. Meanwhile the search for a site for a new post office continues. A suggestion to expand by building a second floor on the existing building was dismissed by a Postal official as impractical. The government is reportedly hoping a new building will be 6,000 square feet.
By the way, the Post Office reminds that the best way to address something to someone on St. John is to use this format:
St. John VI (ZIP CODE)
No "Cruz Bay", no USVI, no "Coral Bay." This is the format the PO’s scanner can understand.
(Hey, at least you know someone is reading.)
Its worth pointing out the 00831 routes your mail to a PO Box at the post office and the 00830 routes your mail to a physical address or roadside post box.
The wrong one easily delays your mail.