Last Sunday I was finally able to drive North Shore Road. We made it all the way to Cinnamon. Here are a few pics I took that day.

If you are interested in helping with St. John’s rebuild, please consider donating to Kenny Chesney’s Love for Love City Foundation. Click here to learn more.
Glad to see Easter Rock in tact. Quite frankly, I wasn’t sure it would be. <3
Thank you so much for these pictures and the ongoing information and feedback you have been providing. My heart is in St. John even though I am in Philly.
Kelly, I am also in Philly with my heart in St John
I too am in the Philly area, and my heart is breaking for St. John and the wonderful people there. Love, prayers, and donations to help you rebuild.
Feeling such deep worry and fear for the beautiful people of St John. As I too sit here in Philadelphia with so little news and information. Please take good care.
I have always just called this “my favorite rock”. So glad to hear it has a name (and such a hopeful name) and that it is still standing. I had been wondering.
Thanks for the photos. We were wondering what Gibney was like. 🙁
Any chance you could post high-res versions somewhere so we can zoom in on things? Thanks!
You can zoom in with this site:
Thank You, Ben, for providing the zoom site. It is truly heartbreaking to see that Skinny’s is a pile of rubble, and Asolare no longer exists. I wonder how Sloop Jones fared, as well as Foxy’s over on Yost. ..So many wonderful places that will never be the same…so sad…..JOHN
My heart breaks at the sight of this devastation but it is nothing compared to the reality you are living. Blessings to you all as you regroup and rebuild.
Thank You for the Pics…..Its unfortunate
Thank you for sharing these pictures! So awful to see the devastation! I donated to Kenny’s Love for Love City last week! 🙂 I know St. John will recover and our hearts are with you all!
Thank you so much for sharing these. I have been asking family and friends to give donations and it helps to show them how bad things really are. We are tourists but I’ve always felt more like a temporary local when we arrive every other summer to set up camp in our favorite Cinnamon Bay tent site. My heart aches for your loss, but I know that if any island people can bounce back from such devastation, it would be the wonderful people of St John. Love and prayers for strength and perseverance.
I completely agree. It’s hard to explain the scope of the devastation. Comparing these to the pictures I took myself in June makes quite a statement.
Thanks f9r the updates and photos, truly sad!!
Any word or pictures of the Calabash Boom villas on the East End?
I’m very surprised to see Gallows Point still standing.
Seeing Capt. John’s dinghy just adds to the sadness … I want to fix her up, refloat it and stick it in the middle of Cruz Bay harbor as a reminder of all that was, is and will be good about Love City. Stay strong friends.
So ,any happy memories around these pictures, so sad to see, but St. John strong
So sad. beautiful island, my home is in Coral Bay.Has been damaged but do not know if is repairable.
Have been wondering about places like Half Moon House, which was built to be supper strong and self sufficient, or Villa Andara which was a very recent construction, or Presidio del Mar which was built like a fortress against the elements? The VI needs to be rebuilt with extreme building standards. Would be good to know how the strongest buildings fared.
We have owned at The Westin for 15 years and visit twice yearly. St John is our second home. We are heartbroken and sick with worry for the well being of our friends that work at The Westin. Praying diligently, contributing to the Love for Love City Fund and want to come down and help rebuild as soon as possible. Stay strong! Sending love to all of this Community!
Was wondering how Coconut Coast Studios made out. We so loved visiting the Gallery and hope the house is still there.
Your pics of Hurricane Irma’s destructive path on picturesque St. John awakened us to the amount of work that lies ahead. Terrible! Always in our hearts.
Habitat for Humanity STT organized any STJ builds? I will be there. Thanks
Andrea, if u hear anything about this I’m very interested
Thanks for posting Jenn. My heart is in STJ. Praying for the island again, definitely during this next storm.
Jenn- thank you for keeping all of us posted. Your tenacious reports sound like they are starting to pay off and finally getting some recognition to our little rock! All of us stateside are doing and donating all we can to help!! Hang in there!!
Our heavy hearts are with you St. John……… While we hear new growth is anticipated soon for the foliage, when we come in February, we will bring our chain saw and make it a working vacation!!!!
I know this all cost money, but underground utilities will help the island for sure…..
Thanks for the pictures and sorry for your loss.
What is left at cinnamon & trunk bay?
Are there groups that you can volunteer with to help clean up?
Can anyone remember how badly trees were damaged by Marilyn compared with Irma, and how long it took for the greenery to return? My vague recollection of some of the earlier hurricanes was that they also stripped a lot of the green but recovery to something resembling normal did not take years.
Has anyone walked Reef Bay Trail yet?
I heard descriptions of how St. John looks, but the pictures are truly unbelievable. Every year for the past 15 years, we would attended church services at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church with Father Anthony Abraham- we brought our friends to his service , regardless of their church affiliation and he was just outstanding. I am sending him a donation and would recommend everyone else do the same-he will know how to best use any proceeds-
Has anyone heard from the family that lives at the far end of Gibney beach? I met a guy and his young son this past June who live in the last house at the end of the beach past the cottages (burst into tears at those photos) and past the stone house. He and his friend were so nice & welcoming to us & just the cutest little kid going out in kayaks to catch that nights dinner. Didn’t get their name, but I’ve been thinking about them (and so many others I’ve met on the island) since the first photos of the north shore made it to social media.
Also, any word on the Oppenheimer house / community building? I couldn’t tell from some arial footage on youtube of the north shore, up and over Caneel Bay to Hawksnest, if the building was still standing.
I am heartbroken for all in STJ . We have been coming to Caneel Bay every April for over 15 years. The pictures are completely heartbreaking.
I feel like I took a personal loss of MY island and I’m only a visitor!
We have donated to the Employees of Caneel (who LOST their jobs AND their homes) and to several other legit fund raising organizations where we know a very LARGE PORTION of our donation will go to people in need. We know 3 friends who only have what they were wearing that day on their backs. Luckily some others got out beforehand to the mainland US BUT their homes are gone.
We will return as soon as you will have us! We LOVE STJ and feels unimaginable that we won’t be there in 2018 as it’s really NOT THERE.
I hope that a lot of Construction Jobs will help.
God Bless STJ ❤️
God bless all the people of St John, STT and the BVIs.
I have been visiting Love City for 17 years. The people are wonderful!
This will be a huge challenge and wil take years to rebuild.
Someone above said Habitat for Humanity at St John. Great idea!! Let’s all go tere and help rebuild!. A workcation.
Peace and love!
Our hearts are broken as well. We were scheduled to fly out on 09-27-17 for our vacation. Had to cancel. But we shall return!! We are praying for everyone who has suffered in the Caribbean. Much love to STJ.
Jonny & Kym here from Boston. Thank you Jenn and everyone in the island family. We are also proud to be members of the “Broken Hearts” club. This has always been our absolute favorite destination for years! We are “re-born” every time we jump into Cinnamon Bay. We wish we were independently wealthy so we could just pack up and get down to help. Prayers for everyone! We will return asap we are sure to an even better STJ and all the islands! Our love & hearts are with you!!
Thank you for the pictures. I know they look heartbreaking right now, being from Florida and witnessing this I can assure it will all come back. The people are strong willed and with all our help will rebuild their lives. I’m looking forward to coming back and supporting them all
Jenn, thanks for sharing the heartbreaking photos and news. Our beautiful St John will hopefully soon regain its lush greenery and rebuild. This will take much time, effort and funds. St John is very special to many people and I encourage all to donate a significant amount of money to help our friends and our special paradise.
Thank you for these posts and updates. We have visited St. John 3 times and feel distressed for all who call it home. We have met so many wonderful people who live and work there and we want to help them. Can you recommend a legit charity that will use all donations to help the locals l?
Kenny Chesney set up a foundation called Love for Love City.
I find the Kenny Chesney fund Love for Love City very confusing. If it is for Love City (St. John) why are the donations being split between all the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands. Did someone make a mistake when they designed the logo for the fund? Or is that the real intent of the fund?
It is all well and good to donate to a fund that will help all the Virgin Islands both United States and British. Lord knows they all need help. But the name is misleading people because it implies that the fund is for St. John only.
If you specifically want your donation to be used on St. John these are two great organizations that have been serving St. John for years.:
Originally was part of small group from Albany NY who camped out on Miss Malvine Sewers land in Coral Bay in the late 70’s. this was behind where Shipwreck landing was later built.
Returned for many years. Now live in Santa Monica CA. Feel I owe part of rebuilding my health to the people and hills of St John. Always in my heart. And now can donate to help St John rebuild. Thanks so much for this website.
Thank you for posting pics- this is so heartbreaking!
We were married at Hawsnest Beach 10 years ago and love St John dearly!
Our prayers are with the beautiful people of St. John.
Thank you for keeping all of us updated about conditions there on St. John. I have been wondering if the little coqui frogs are still chirping at night? Having visited St. John many times over the past 20 yrs. my husband and I always enjoyed hearing them at night. Also wondering about the little hummingbirds?
They certainly are! 🙂