
New restaurant poll: For a nice night out

In Cruz Bay,  there are almost a dozen restaurants offering a pleasant lunch or dinner at a relatively modest price.  Among these, which is your favorite for an evening out? (We’ll get to Coral Bay, next week)

5 thoughts on “New restaurant poll: For a nice night out”

  1. I think you should re-work this one:
    One poll for lunch:
    Sun Dog Cafe, Deli Grotto, Banana Deck (lunch), Lime Inn (lunch, Baked in the Sun, Mojo Cafe, Beach Bar, Satymuna, China Shack & Happy Fish, JJ’s Texas Coast Cafe
    Another for reasonable dinner:
    Banana Deck, Lime Inn, Beach Bar, Mojo Cafe, Satymuna, Happy Fish, China Shack, JJ’s Texas Coast Cafe, Uncle Joe’s BBQ, Cafe Roma & Rhumb Lines

  2. For those unfamiliar with the Tamarind Court, they change chefs and menus almost every night (Greek night on Mondays, West Indian – Wednesday, i think, Mexican, Diner, etc…). May not get many votes because of this, but probably has the best value. For instance, at Greek night you get salad, dinner and desert for under $25 – very hard to beat on STJ. And the food is very good too.

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