Back in June, we mentioned how the crew from HGTV was on island filming yet another episode here on island. They really tend to like us down here, don’t they? Well today we’d like to let you all know that the episode is set to air this Sunday, January 1st.
Side note: Can you believe that Sunday is January 1st?? Neither can I!
HGTV’s Caribbean Life will feature Liz and Steve Horner this weekend in an episode titled, “Bringing the Best of Texas to the Virgin Islands.” Liz and Steve left Amarillo, Texas earlier this year when they purchased the Barefoot Cowboy up in the Lumberyard.
Here’s the official episode description straight from HGTV’s website:
After touring the U.S. Virgin Islands, Liz and Steve knew they wanted to leave Amarillo, Texas, behind for a new life in the Caribbean. The couple recently purchased a BBQ restaurant on St. John and are ready to bring the best of Texas to the U.S.V.I. With the help of a local broker, Liz and Steve are looking for a condo on St. Thomas that’s close to the ferry for their daily commute to St. John.
Liz and Steve’s episode airs Sunday at 9:30 p.m. EST or 10:30 p.m. local time. We’re going to have a little viewing party here on island. We’ll tell you all about it Monday. 🙂
Steve Horner is a great guy, it was a pleasure to meet him this past August