
New business ideas for St. John

Here are the responses to last week’s question asking what kind of business would you open on the island.  Got a better idea?  Submit it here.

  • Suzanne: I’d love to relocate to St. John and open a fine wine shop. Not sure if it would fly or even be remotely successful, but that would be heaven for me.
  • Christine: I would love to open a midwifery service/birth center for the families of St John to be able to give birth on their island.. either in their homes or the birth center.
  • Gone Hungry: McDonalds!!!!
  • Peter: A Tax Collection Agency, thats about the only business that would be able to survive in St. John’s due to the unrealistic Property Taxes. Oh Wait I probably could not afford the taxes charged to afford to stay open.
  • Mark: Not having seen the place, or knowing what size. I’d do a sports bar serving lunch and dinner. Karaoke during the week and maybe local live music on weekends.
  • William: An old-fashioned diner, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • RickG: I’d do a provisioning service like Bobbi’s on Tortola and add cooked entrees and sides. Beer and liquor of course!

5 thoughts on “New business ideas for St. John”

  1. A self-serve pay by the pound gourmet salad bar/ hot food bar. Maybe $9.99 or $10.99 per pound but high quality, nutritious food you can mix and match. It would take a ton of money away from the restaurants, but would be hugely successful. People always get more than they should and get heavy, water-filled items like watermelon that really increase the price dramatically. Make this happen in a small, carry-out only spot like China Shacks’s location to keep overhead down. I, for one, promise to spend a ton of money there if it ever happens. Basically, it would be similar to a state-side Whole Foods salad and hot bar minus the entire grocery store.

  2. I’d open up a consulting business working under contract with the Immigration service to check on the legal status of all those day workers who line up at dolphin market and other spots and who are hired by our developers/their construction companies.

  3. If Christine gets to open her midwifery/birthing center, I am on the next plane!!!! I work on a Labor and Delivery unit in a small town in Indiana and my plans are for my husband and myself to come down sometime in the next 2-6 years (after my youngest is out of high school and either in college or graduated from college) as a travel nurse. It seems as though I would have to work on STT, but I would only live in STJ…so a birthing center on STJ would be right up my alley!! Go for it Christine!!!!

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