
Chesney regrets island’s popularity

Kenny Chesney is beginning to sound like everybody else who discovers St. John and wishes everybody else would kind of forget about it. 

"They’re following me in droves," to the island, he told a reporter for Caribbean Travel & Life.  "It’s double edged.  "I want them to buy into the lifestyle, but there used to be a time I could dance on the bar and howl at the moon.  There are too many cameras now." 

When he really wants to relax, Chesney heads for the water and his 60-foot Sea Ray and point to spots like Ivan’s Stress-Free Bar on Jost Van Dyke. "Thank God, I got a boat and there’s a lot of little islands."

10 thoughts on “Chesney regrets island’s popularity”

  1. That’s to bad. People should just leave him alone. A person needs time alone to regroup and slow down, and from what I understand that is why he goes to the islands. I think that’s why anyone would go to the islands. So I hope people would just leave him alone for awhile, but i’m sure that won’t happen for awhille.

  2. Really.
    A superstar celebrity who permitted (nay, ENCOURAGED) high-profile pictures of his wedding and the locale thereof to richochet around the tabloid planet is now lamenting his loss of privacy?
    Kenny, if you want privacy, STOP TELLING PEOPLE WHERE YOU LIVE.

  3. o and boo frickety hoo, I’m so sad that I’ve ruined a good thing… gosh, I guess you shouldn’t poop in your own nest… maybe now I can brag about all my other favorite places and ruin them too.

  4. i too feal bad, i think it must be hard to be a celeb. i am one of kennys #1 fans, but give him some peace and quiet. now he has to go into hiding in the place he calls “home”,

  5. I live in the heart and soul of celebrity-dom, Los Angeles. Celebrities are in love with themselves. This is just another of their narcissism. One of the nice things about seeing these kids all over the place, it’s nice to see one crying on St John also. Let the folks stop talking about him, photographing him and buying his records. That house just might get on the market real fast. They complain but really love it.
    No tears from this guy

  6. If you notice, Chesney did not reveal where he lived! Zellweger’s PR people did! I don’t know whether Chesney’s PR people had to agree or not, but he had always been VERY careful not to say which island he lived on, but just that it was a little island in the caribbean! Blame Renee, not Kenny!

    Blame Renee? Maybe. But KC himself bears the lion’s share of the responsibility for publicising the hell out of the VI.
    No sympathy for him. WHAT. SO. EVER. My sympathy lies with the residents of STJ who can’t afford to put up a gate. Or take their private yacht to Jost Van Dyke.

  8. I think it is sad that he feels this way. I am a hugh fan, and yes he may have influenced me into the lifestyle of the islands, but without visiting the islands how would I know the lifestyle. Now, although I am a very hugh fan of his and have been to the islands..and am purchasing a home there…I would NOT..I repeat would NOT go up to him or even think of invading his privacy. I am also smart enough to know, he puts on his pants each day as I do…I may be a hugh fan…but I’m not a freak! I would NOT invade his personal space, how much of a fan are you if you can’t respect that? And just for the record…I’ve been a fan of Kenny since 1998 when he was touring fairgrounds and so forth…I absolutely love the artist that he is.

  9. My family and I recently went to St John in June.We started the planning..back in January.We absolutely loved St John and try to travel to an island 1 or 2 times a year.
    I have been a big fan of Kenny’s for 11 years now.In May..(when Kenny and Renee got married)that is when I found out that he lived on St John.It really made me excited to know that he lived in a place that I had been very interested in going to for years now.I would never have thought of invading his privacy..if I would have seen him..even though I love his music and really would love to meet him.I am not famous BUT can understand that he would like to be able to walk around his home and not be bombarded by fans!
    I especially love the new CD “Be As You Are”..while sitting on my deck in North Carolina..it takes me to the islands and relaxes me.It also makes me wanna go back to the islands sooner..for the relaxed life and the beautiful Caribbean Sea!
    By the way..Kenny if you read this..I will be at your concert in Raleigh NC on August 13th and cannot wait!!!!
    I wish for peace and privacy for you and Renee 🙂

  10. I am a kenny fan but was also going to STJ before I even knew who KC was. Since goin there I’ve passed his boat in mine twice and not once hassled him, just waved and kept goin… and he and his captain waved back and we didn’t think twice about it. He’s a human being and people should treat him as such. I agree that he shouldn’t whine about it though…

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