
How to break into show business on St. John

So, you want to be in pictures, Sweeheart? Here's your chance.

For as little as $25, you can be a backer of an ambitious series of films about St. John.

Franklin Tulloch, whose 15 years in film include adventure and underwater photography, wants to raise $30,000 for his project, Under St. John. You can learn all about it on Kickstarter.com, a Web site for entrepreneurs seeking backing.

His plan calls for half a dozen 30-minute films.

  • Lions of the Deep: The invasion of the lion fish into local waters.
  • Breeding Grounds: The clear waters surrounding St. John support a complex system of coral reefs.
  • Once For Research: Tektite: Tektite was an underwater research project managed in 1969.
  • FISH POV: Have you ever wanted to be a fish? Go on a tour in a most interesting way.
  • Hook and Line: Close up look at the ancient art of deep sea line fishing.
  • Love City Life: A look into life on a small island, lobster hunting to conch collection.

Tulloch plans to rely on St. John residents for help in filming (beginning in August), writing scripts, and composing music. The Inquiring Iguana is betting that some of the island's best photographers and musicians will also help with this project. And if they do, knowing their community involvement, Under St. John could be a marvelous teaching tool for many of the island's young people looking to learn skills in this multimedia world.

1 thought on “How to break into show business on St. John”

  1. Great idea! Needs to be on facebook so it can be more easily shared. Doubtful that the Money needed will be raised without more awareness of the project.

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