
What are businesses doing for St. John?

    In the past 18 months or so, a branch of the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce was organized on the island.  Until then, members (like NewsofStJohn.com) had to go to STT for business camaraderie. Then Kate N Design's Kate Norfleet spearheaded a local chapter effort, with lots of help from Jose Penn, Andy Rutnik, Debbie Hime, and Fraser Drummon and many other business people.

    Recently, The Chapter e-mailed Members about the accomplishments of 2010.  There are so many, it's astonishing.  And to the Inquiring Iguana, they look like the kind of good news about the island others would like to be made aware of.  So, here 'tis: 

•             The Chapter, along with many other public and private individuals, had a successful year with regards to putting to the forefront the parking and waterfront issues with VIPA ––most visibly with the parking lot that is nearly completed at Enighed Pond, a project many people, including Steve Black, have worked a long time for and that we are grateful VI Port Authority and Governor deYongh finally made it a reality. 

•            Our work with Senator Barshinger's office to put together the Town Meeting on the Cruz Bay Waterfront and the subsequent Waterfront committee that has been formed and is meeting to make St. John's goals heard. The best part of this group is that it truly does represent a broad constituency from the St. John community working together with VIPA and other government officials to get the best plan possible for Cruz Bay.  

•            Honoring Cid Hamling at the Chamber Awards Banquet for her many years of dedication and hard work on behalf of St. John. 

•             Pulling together the St. John Community to oppose and influence the decision by VIPA to stop the institution of separate fees with turnstiles for travelers on the Red Hook Ferry. 

•              Having Don Porter be elected as the second St. John Member on the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, giving St. John a bigger voice in the business community

As we enter 2011, it is time to set some goals for the upcoming year.  Though this list is long, it would be a tremendous help if you could tell us where you want to see the Chamber focus it’s efforts. Please let us know what you think is most important. Would any of you be willing to help or take on some of these projects?

•             Increasing St. John Membership in the Chamber of Commerce. While membership has increased in the past years, we need more members. There are currently 56 St. John Members; 305 people get this blast. WE ALL BENEFIT, so please add joining the Chamber to you to-do list if you aren't already a member. 

•             Completion and delivery of Chamber Member Directory. We spent much time last year getting the data base current and prepared for there to be many more benefits and much more exposure for your business. This includes also getting the database ready for the website which is a project that is much too long overdue. (I must admit our shortcomings as well as our successes and am doing what I can to turn these projects out) 

•              Renewed involvement with public and private schools on St. John and community based projects such as the landscaping of the roundabout. The Chapter has been given the green light by Public Works to adopt this site and with the start of the new year, we hope to make rapid progress. 

•          Increased awareness of PSC and public transportation issues relevant to St. John residents and guests.

•            Security Camera changes and additions are ongoing on St. John. 

•            Continued participation in the Waterfront Committee and efforts to reduce the amount of black fences on the Cruz Bay waterfront.

•            Town traffic and ferry arrival issues

•             Water taxi signs in Redhook, Cruz Bay and the Airport? 

•            Other directional signs throughout St. John

    And 2011 has already brought achievement including getting one side of the dinghy dock rebuilt with private donations of time, materials and funds.

    The Chapter is also now trying to do something to make the Cruz Bay Park Renovation project more positive for St. John while it is happening. Everyone is excited that the Park is being renovated but the loss of the entire park for the next few months is a challenge to our small town.

2 thoughts on “What are businesses doing for St. John?”

  1. Thanks for your hard work and considerable accomplishments in such a short time. One area that you might consider tackling is the Cruz Bay noise issue. If you read the travel websites, that is a very common complaint from business bringing tourists. Car alarms are an increasing nuisance and serve no purpose on the island. A number of large US cities now ban or severely restrict them. Similarly, there is a good deal of motorcycle traffic on bikes that don’t seem to be equipped with mufflers. Finally, and probably most importantly, why is there no enforcement of existing noise ordinances pertaining to the deafening music emanating at all hours from the town bars? The new hotel in town already has been the target of published complaints about loud music. Those of us who live on the hills surrounding the town or who rent in the area have many sleepless nights. This type of reputation hurts Cruz Bay. Surely something can be done about it–the volume really needs to be dialed down.

  2. Amen to Pat’s comments regarding both the Chamber’s work and the lack of enforcement of existing noise ordinances.
    Cruz Bay is developing a “honky tonk” reputation where loud music from multiple bars envelopes the streets until all hours of the night. This seriously hurts all other area business and keeps people away who otherwise would come into town in the evening to spend money. Not to mention rent a villa or apartment for their vacation.
    Nothing wrong with music, but does it have to be allowed at such a competing volume? Sleepless in Cruz Bay is no joke. Enforce the law.

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