
Explore STJ: Water Catchment Trail

Explore STJ: Water Catchment Trail 1
The water catchment area

Hello everyone, and happy Wednesday! For those of you who know me, you know how much I love exploring this island! Well today, I’d like to tell you about a new-to-me hiking trail that I recently explored. It led me to something pretty neat, so I thought I’d share it with all of you!

Chances are, you’ve noticed a sign along Centerline Road that marks the Water Catchment Trail. It’s on your left-hand side before the intersection of Route 104 (commonly known as Gifft Hill Road) if you are heading toward Coral Bay. It’s a rather short trail – just .4 miles from the road to the water catchment area – although it’s downhill most of the way. That means it’s uphill most of the way back. 🙂

The trail itself is rather wide most of the way and is maintained pretty well. I’d recommend wearing sneakers for this one,  and perhaps bring a bottle of water if it’s a hot day.

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There is a small parking area at the trailhead.
Explore STJ: Water Catchment Trail 3
This trail also leads you to Caneel Hill, although that’s a very tough, steep trail.
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You will see several beautiful tyre palms along the way.
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You will come to an unmarked intersection a few minutes along the way. Take the trail to the right to get to the water catchment area.
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You will walk through a ghut briefly before arriving at the water catchment area.
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You have arrived!

Check out this quick video I took:

Now you’re probably wondering what the heck this is. The water catchment area was used for Caneel Bay Resort back when it was in operation. (Feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it??!) The actual catchment area consists of a large, fenced-in basin that collects rainwater in a large holding tank. Water from Caneel Bay desalination plant, which is still in operation, was also pumped up into this tank. The water from the catchment area was filtered and chlorinated before it was brought into the resort. The water catchment area is located high above the resort, so when the water flowed down into the property and its buildings, it had all the water pressure it needed to adequately serve the resort. Pretty neat, right?

So the next time you are on island, take a little hike in the woods and check this out. Or better yet, take an island tour with me! I would love to show you around! For more information on my island tours – which are rated “excellent” on TripAdvisor!! – please visit www.explorestj.com

And in the event that you missed our announcement last week, I am now offering restaurant delivery on the entire island through STJ To Go. You can order from several of your favorite Cruz Bay spots and get it delivered to your doorstep in under an hour! We’re even offering a special Super Bowl package for those of you who want to have fun, but you don’t want to go out. We’re bringing the fun to you! Learn more about this great new service at www.stjtogo.com

Thanks all! And thank you News of St. John for allowing me to shamelessly plug Explore STJ and STJ To Go. 🙂 Have a great day everyone!

Explore STJ: Water Catchment Trail 8

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