You can own Stoneridge, Kenny Chesney’s seven-bedroom home overlooking Caneel Bay and the North Shore of St John, if you’re rich. The luxurious estate was built in 1979.
The Multiple Listing Service blurb offering the house says it is "Situated amidst and abutting preserved National Park lands … (and) no expense was spared."
Stoneridge includes 10,600 square feet of living space on about 1.5 acres. By comparison, it is said that the 40-some condo units of Grande Bay have been built on a parcel just one acre.
Some folks are wondering whether Chesney’s affair with St. John is cooling – he sold another home on island last year. He reportedly still owns a property in Chocolate Hole.
What about the “old blue chair”. Paradise lost I guess. Too much building is just taxing the ecosystem to the limit of non-recovery. Let’s hope the Park does not go up for sale to bale out the federal deficit. The earth is not a toy in which one can discard upon boredom (this may not be Mr. Chesney’s case at all) – just needed to get it off my chest. My true feeling is this island should endorse STJ as home for the natives who honored her true beauty. This is the main l front that all, both poor and rich should aspire to agree on. It’s just not all about “the beautiful people”. Money IS NOT everything.
Mary T.
Dear Mr. Barnako,
May a get an e-mail copy of the Feb. 27, “08 Chesney house article, plus any more information you may have about the property? Any help would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Why don’t you just print it out online and visit the STJ MLS? All the info is there.
Google St John Multiple Listing Service.
I understand why it is news here that KC really enjoys STJ. I know Anderson Cooper was on-island with him, etc. Guess if KC didn’t want the publicity from his experiences here, he wouldn’t encourage it. It gets really old repeatedly hearing about it, though.
At this point, I am more concerned about the (32 million) Maho Bay listing, and what it means to the entire community when it is sold…and it will be sold.
“endorse STJ as home for the natives” <-- The Taino Indians??
Also concerned about the Maho Bay listing. Wish Kenny would use his celebrity status to do some kind of fund raiser to save this property. I have stayed at Maho mulitple time with my wife and kids. It would be ashamed to see this be sold and developed. I dont think you will see Kenny leave St John. Peter Bay area is really being built with McMansions. Think he might just want a more private location. Come on Kenny do something like Don Henley did to save Walden Woods!!!!! I am more than willing to help with a project like this.
If people would leave Kenny alone this stuff would never happen!!
I almost forgot what Don Henley did for Walden pond.
Who knows maybe Mr. Kenny has plans to help or already has
By any chance, is this house for rent for vaction only?
Everyone has a reason for doing something.this case may be for a personal issue. You never know,all you can do is assume.if this property
Sales and is developed it may create jobs for people.then again it is hard to breathe when you are smothered !!!! Man I would buy this house if I could afford it but I’m just barely making it in the retail buisness (Lowes).to go from a good ol’ boy from Georgia to living in paradise would be a real dream come true.especially it being the former home of my most inspiring country music artist.who inspired me to start playing the guitar;and writing songs!
I think Kenny is an amazing person and y’all should stop saying stuff and ya people should leave him alone and get off his back. every once in while it would be nice for him to do normal things without people harrasing him.
Any update about this house for sale?
I thought he still owned one in Peter Bay too, or was that one sold?
i agree with brianna!leave enough alone! kenny is a very great guy.sometime wounder if ya’ll trash him cause you’re jealous.maybe it’s about time for ya’ll to grow up some.kenny your’re the bomb cowboy.
This is a great place to live. Wish I am rich so that I buy the property you have posted.
Angelo H
How I wish I could own a house like this one. It has 7 bedrooms? Amazing! It’s even over-looking Caneel beach. I’ve always dreamt of having a house near a beach. =)