A new restaurant in an unlikely location has recently opened. It’s called the Windy Level Bar Restaurant.
It is the pride and joy – and full-time job – of Carryn Powell. Located About 1 1/2 mile up Centerline Road from Cruz Bay, the place opened about two months ago and has been doing a good "steady" lunch and dinner business, according to Crystal Bray and Lora Verkouille who wrote about it in the latest issue of the St. John Sun-Times.
St. John Julie, who posts about the island at TripAdvisor.com, also likes the spot. "Some of her offerings in the past have been, stewed chicken, conch, stewed fish, baked chicken, pork chops, to name a few. If you are curious to try West Indian fare, this would be a great place to start. The plates are loaded up with lots of local favorites." (Read the full post here.) Julie said she and three friends had dinner, two drinks, desert and the bill was $78. "That is a crazy cheap price for here!," she said.
Carryn cooks what’s fresh and what inspires her, the Sun Times story said. So the menu is ever changing. The phone is 340-715-2000 (for reservations or take out). No credit cards.
This sounds like a winner! In all my years, I’ve been wary of the Cruz Bay park food wagons and Sogo’s, but a sit down place like Windy Level sounds very attractive. If you go, send me an e-mail … we can talk about it for a podcast.
I’ve been to Sogo’s a few times, and Shelia’s Pot and Hercules – and you shouldn’t be wary – its very good and the people are so nice. Traditional west indian food in a traditional west indian place should be welcomed – not homogonized so us white folks feel ok to eat there. That’s the problem that is ruining STJ these days.
I agree with the last comment. Sogo’s, Sheila’s Pot, and Hercules all serve great food. I’ve enjoyed them all. Why write something like that when you haven’t even tried them??? I think they deserve an apology, at the least. Also, Etta, who cooks at Tamarind Court on Tuesday’s is a fabulous cook. We are fortunate to have such great native cooks here.
When I lived on STJ I used to love the thanksgiving in Frank Powell Park. W. Indians are the the natives so why be wary of the food.
I love fungee(sp) and salt fish and roti and heck all that is made.
There is a dish that I had my first christmas on island and I can not remember the name. We had it with guava berry wine………
I agree also. Most of the above mentioned food vendors have worked at some of the upscale restaurants that you feel so safe at. Traditional west Indian food is as much a part of St. John as the palms at Trunk Bay. It’s also a glimpse into culture that is slowly disappearing from the island. I’ve met Carryn before, she’s had a booth during the July 4 festival for years. I wish her the best of luck with her new venture.
I’m surprised at the comment about Sogos restaurant. For someone who touts all things St John to not have eaten here and post this statement is unprofessional.
Al and Vel run a great little restaurant, food is great and plentiful, very affordable; the restaurant is clean and the owner’s very personable. Get out at patronize the locals. I agree with hercules as one of the best also.