
Possible Wi-Fi woes in Cruz Bay

Will Culver is a bit worried for some people buying condos in Cruz Bay and hoping to get Internet access.  Despite guarantees by developers at Sirenusa and Grande Bay, Culver says Innovative Communications, the islands’ phone company, can take years to install phone lines, never mind DSL technology. 

"Pulling wires is expensive which is why I like fixed wireless, Culver said.  That’s technology through which a small dish picks up a broadband signal from a tower.  There is a tower on St. Thomas and if you have a view of St. T, you can get Culver’s wireless service.

In the second part of an interview with Culver, the owner of Surf da Web, says he sees visitors to St. John using their laptops to do e-mail and make phone calls via Skype. Click the play button below.

You can also download or hear the conversation by clicking here.

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1 thought on “Possible Wi-Fi woes in Cruz Bay”

  1. Interesting, but a note of interest. I contacted Innovative last winter to see if my home near the end of Fish Bay could get DSL and MUCH to my surprise, I had it up and running by the end of the week for $40 per month!

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