
Her favorite things: beers, beaches, and dogs

Lesley_g Dozens of people are saluting Lesley G for her just-posted Trip Report in the St. John forum at Virgin islands On-Line.

She was there during Festival and enjoyed the island from Cruz Bay to East End.  It was her fifth visit to the island in three years. “I just couldn't believe how quickly and easily I fell into the pace and the "feel" of the island. I was hook, line, and sinker within minutes,” she said in an e-mail.

She explained that the eight-minute project was her first encounter with the iMovie program, “So, here's a little Monday morning escape, or what can be better described as My First Ever Go At iMovie So Please Be Kind.”

It contains the usual as well as the unexpected. “There's beaches, people, dogs, food, and booze,” she said.  Also sunsets, dinner plates, and parasailing.

The video is really a slide show of stills.  To my taste it unfortunately uses the awful “Ken Burns” effect, made famous by his interminable PBS documentaries – pictures are forever sliding up and down and in and out.  But the simple fact is that Lesley took a lot of good pictures, met a lot of people,. and had a lot of fun.

“I guess that brings me to why I love it: the people,” Gallacher added. “While the beaches and water are stunning, the animals and driving amusing, the fact that I've made friends is the best part about each return. It truly is a place where I feel at home.”

Take a break and watch at http://vimeo.com/5465159.

1 thought on “Her favorite things: beers, beaches, and dogs”

  1. I actually met Leslie and Pia while we were there last week. I recognized Pia from pictures others have taken on VIOL. We were in Skinnys and I looked up and recognized her immediately. They are lovely women. I agree with Leslie…when we were on the ferry headed to St John my 7 year old daughter looked at me and said “we’re going home…”

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