
Stimulus money to buy new ferries

Cruz bay ferry tourists 1 Two new ferries may ‘soon come.’

Governor John deJongh announced that the Virgin Islands has received federal grant money to improve passenger ferry service between St. Thomas and St. John.

In a press release, the Governor said “The government has received a grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) totaling $3 million dollars for the specific purpose of upgrading the ferry service now being provided between Cruz Bay, St. John and Red Hook.”

Public Works Commissioner Darryl A. Smalls said the federal stimulus funds combined with $1.5 million from the Federal Highway Administration Federal Aid Program and approximately $644,000 from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program will be used for the purchase of two ferryboats, one each for the current franchise operators, Varlack Ventures and Transportation Services.

2 thoughts on “Stimulus money to buy new ferries”

  1. Can they buy two ferries that customers can drive strait on and off without having to back on? Whats the deal with that?

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