Now this news really makes us happy. The folks over at the Island Green Living Association’s Resource Depot has hit a major milestone – they’ve save 70,000 pounds of waste from heading to a landfill. How wonderful is that?! To celebrate this incredible milestone, they’re holding a thank you event for the public this Saturday. Here are the details straight from them:
“In the two short years it’s been open, the Island Green Living Association’s ReSource Depot has kept a remarkable 70,000 pounds of waste out of local landfills by selling new and gently used construction materials and housewares donated by St. John residents and businesses. Help IGLA celebrate the Depot’s anniversary and its success on Saturday, February 1, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the ReSource Depot, located at Gifft Hill and Centerline roads across from the Susannaberg Transfer Station.
The public is invited to enjoy beer donated by St. John Brewers, along with food donated by Merchants Market including hot dogs, pulled pork, veggie burgers, cookies, brownies, soda donated by Coca-Cola, and water. Live acoustic rock will be performed by the Stangerz. The event will also serve as a membership drive and fundraiser for IGLA, which will need help from the public in the coming year as the non-profit aims to expand its mission.
The most exciting portion of the day will be the raffle, whose star item is a beautiful gently used six-foot-long mahogany table, handcrafted by local woodworker Matt Mueller. The estimated retail value of the table, which was donated to IGLA by Frank Barnako, is $2,500. (Thanks Frank!!)

Other raffle items will include two brand new composters, and gift certificates to the ReSource Depot, the Tap Room, Ocean Grill, Waterfront Bistro, Alfredo’s Landscaping, Spyglass Restaurant, Cruz Bay Landing, Cafe Livin’, St. John Hardware, Caravan Gallery, Caravan Auto Store, The Beauty Lounge, Calypso/Bad Kitty, Starfish Market, Skinny Legs, Freebird, High Tide, and Connections. Raffle tickets are $5 or 5 for $20 and can be purchased ahead of time at Connections and St. John Hardware.
IGLA first opened four trailers at the Depot in January 2011 as part of its mission to prevent useful building and home materials from being dumped in the landfill. Today, the Depot has grown to seven containers where residents can purchase new and gently used hardware; electrical supplies; plumbing supplies; house, garden, and pool items; furniture; doors, windows, and glass; and lighting fixtures, fans, and more. IGLA recently hired “Buddha” Gary Emmons as the ReSource Depot manager.
Please come out on February 1 for big discounts, good food, music, fantastic raffle prizes, and more, as IGLA thanks those who have supported the non-profit’s recycling efforts at the ReSource Depot.”
Want to know more about the ReSource Depot? Click here to read a News of St. John story about the organization that was published back in September.