Summer of Change

Summer of Change

After three years in business, I have decided it is time to close up my quirky little retail shop, Coral Bay Adventures.

For the past three years, my shop has been the primary focus of my energy and productivity. I am extremely proud of what I have been able to accomplish with my business. I have developed a clothing brand that truly represents my personality.

When I began purchasing products to fill up my shop back in 2021, I was planning to do some outdoor activity provisioning with a side of gifts and wearables. I quickly realized that my focus needed to be on apparel – the industry I had left behind in the states.

Summer of Change 1

I have spent three years designing apparel on island and selling it out of my little seaside shop. The love and support for my preferred art form has been such a fun ride. I am completely encouraged by this whole experience and will continue selling online and popping up with in-person sales.

I am not closing up shop due to lack of support. Far from that, actually. I am closing my brick and mortar because entrepreneurship is a little too lonely for me right now and I want to better serve my community.

Summer of Change 2

This past winter, I had the opportunity to pursue a passion of mine that I initially did not think was possible on St. John – I started a cheerleading program. I began coaching cheer in 2004 when I was 16. In the twenty years since then, I have coached award-winning youth, high school, and collegiate-level spirit squads, worked alongside cheer and dance teams to design custom uniforms, and judged cheerleading competitions around the country. Cheerleading consumed just about every aspect of my life before I moved to St. John in 2020.

I was initially apprehensive to get a program started because I did not know how it would be received. I feel like everyone has encountered that type of mental block in the post-pandemic landscape. Fortunately, St. John School of the Arts welcomed the suggestion with open arms and the enrollment continues to grow. I am so excited to continue sharing my positive experiences through the sport of competitive cheerleading with my students on St. John.

As I work to empty and close up my shop this week, I will also be teaching a cheer camp every afternoon. I love the juxtaposition of ending something while simultaneously building the foundation for something brand new.

Summer of Change 3

In the past year, I have also been given the chance to emcee events. I have spent my entire life actively trying to avoid awkward silences for the comfort of everyone in the room and that is much easier to do with a microphone in my hand. Please continue to come visit me as I host Weekly Trivia Fun every Monday night at Upstairs Bar and every Thursday night at St. John Brewers Tap Room. I am frequently asked about booking private trivia events and that will now be a real possibility.

Most importantly, I am looking forward to spending more time with my family. Shop Baby Maizie has had a good run with her internship, but she turns two at the end of the month and is ready to spend her weekends at the beach with friends instead of at the shop with mom.

Summer of Change 4

Check out the shop before I close this month – I am located next to Dolphin Market in Coral Bay (right by the old Aqua Bistro). Shop online anytime by clicking here.

Thank you so much for the love and support!! Running a small business is not easy, but the people I have met throughout this journey have made it all worth it.

6 thoughts on “Summer of Change”

  1. This is such great news for you!! As someone who also loved cheer my whole life, and then coaching and judging, I am excited this will be offered to the kids of St John. I would love to see cross competitions with St Thomas, St Croix and Puerto Rico in the future!! What an exciting adventure and I am sure that little one will love tagging along. Good luck and I hope to see all the support and love you need from the community and all of us mainland St John lovers.

  2. All the best in your beachgoing cheerleading!

    Two ideas:

    Skinny Legs formerly had cool sheer tops & T-shirts, their gear needs a revival

    Go to Cheerleader Supply in Dallas & develop a beach cheering version for college vacation beachgoers.


  3. Love this woman and all she stands for. We will miss the shop but so happy she is finding her place on the rock.

  4. My wife and I loved randomly seeing you on the plane and then experiencing your lovely shop last year. Though we are sad it won’t be there when we get back, we love your passion and wish you all the best in your new endeavor! St. John is luck to have your family.

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