
E-book by former St. Johnian

51LxdrMpzFL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-64,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_Amazon.com is offering "I Only Cuss When Im Sailing." The author is Rae Ellen Lee.  With her husband, they operated the Canvas Factory at Mongoose Junction.

Get the book here.

The story goes that while living in an old mining town brothel they were renovating, in landlocked Montana, they started writing a novel, and set it on St. John. On a research trip they fell in love with the sand and sun. The plan was they would move to the island, learn to sail, fix up the old boat, and sail it to the Caribbean. But things don’t go as planned.

That experience is also the subject of her newest book, "My Next Husband Will Be Normal." The story goes that, soon after unpacking their flip-flops, her husband—a former Republican state legislator with a silver crewcut and solid traditional values—realizes he is really a she. Lee continued, "Toss in a few sex toys, some steel pan music, a pinch of voodoo—and stir."

8 thoughts on “E-book by former St. Johnian”

  1. Lighten up Nancy:
    To many of us St. John, in any mode, is Heaven.
    since 86, most years twice , a few 3 or 4 visits

  2. This is the REAL Nancie-PA! I did not write the other comment about the book! As a matter of fact, I downloaded her other book and loved it!
    Who is doing this? Why are you using my name to write your comments? Are you ashamed of your name? Are you trying to make me look mean or bad? Why?
    Is there any way I can prevent this from happening again?

  3. Dear Nancie:
    Just saw your comment, and the issue. I checked my Comments data and find that the ‘bogus’ Nancie-PA has an e-mail address on Comcast. Not you.
    So, your e-mail account hasn’t been hacked – user names can, it appears, be duplicated.
    Frank Barnako

  4. Thank you Frank for looking into this for me. You and others on VIOL have assured me that my computer has not been hacked. Just hope people know that the real me would never write any thing negative about someone.

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