
Very Cool Event Happening Tonight

night museum

The St. John Historical Society is holding a very cool event tonight. Here are the details straight from them:

Members and friends! Don’t forget to join us today, March 8th at our “Night at the Museum” event at the Westin Grand ballroom from 5:30 to 8 p.m. for a wonderful array of artifacts and items from yesteryear!

Collections of items gleaned from various digs around the island will be on display as well as many family-owned and privately held articles on view at this one of a kind event! We will display pottery made 1,000 years ago, ancient tools made from stone and shells, old photos and postcards, antique bottles, handmade baskets, historic coins, a cannonball, a sugar cane knife, a stereoscope and images, miniature mahogany furniture, antique household items and furniture…….so much to see!

There will be a silent auction with gift certificates from St. John restaurants, original paintings, massages, collectible coins, ceramics, old bottles, books, sunset sails, even a stay at Caneel Bay with sushi dinner for two!

Raffle tickets will also be sold. The Grand Prize is a 2-night stay at the Westin and dinner for 2 at Ocean 362. Other prizes include a 1/2 day sail on Cloud 9, restaurant gift certificates, books, and gift items!

$25 suggested donation at the door – $10 for students
light hors d’oeuvres – cash bar

For more information, visit www.stjohnhistoricalsociety.org

St. John Receives an Amazing Visitor

sail 1 (1)

I admit, I am super late to the party on this and I wholeheartedly apologize. Sadly, sometimes life gets in the way and I am unable to tell the stories I’d like to share with all of you. Luckily for me, my good friend Leah Randall of Mermaid Tales St. John Photography stepped up this week to help me share the amazing story about Hokele’a, an amazing boat that visited our little slice of heaven last week. Here’s the story in Leah’s own words. Thank you Leah…

Like many others on St. John, I did the “buy a ticket, pack a bag, quit your job” thing a few years ago. In the states that idea seems crazy, but here it seems normal because so many of us have done it (or maybe we are all a little crazy down here, haha!). I traded in stateside normalcy, predictability, a job with full benefits for a life on St. John full of rich experiences and vibrant characters. I went from a two bedroom, 3rd story apartment and teaching high school math in Texas to where I am now; living with my boyfriend on his beautiful gaff rigged ketch in Coral Bay, constantly pursuing our passion for diving, (we dive for lobsters and sell them to try to cover the expense of our dives), sailing, exploring and my love for the art of photography. His sailboat, Buxom, is 78 years old, all wooden and is where my deep love for traditional boats began. So, imagine my excitement when I found out about a boat named Hokule’a, steeped in centuries of boat building tradition, who was on her way here…

First, a couple of things about Hokele’a and the Polynesian Voyaging Society – because this is some really incredible stuff. Hokele’a, which means Star of Gladness, is on a voyage to revive the almost culturally extinct methods of sailing, exploration and discovery of the Polynesians who settled Hawaii. Hokele’a’s design dates back hundreds of years and as she sails, she represents a commitment to cultural revival and cultural pride. Now, I absolutely love traditional boats, as they carry with them centuries of stories, tradition and craft, and Hokule’a is a whole different level. Along with the traditional rig, the captain and crew of Hokele’a are holding true to their ancestors in how they sail as well. Most of us are pretty dependent on our phones, Google maps, GPS Navigators in our cars, the list goes on and on with new apps invented every day. I even have an app that shows me where all the lobsters are when I dive! Ok, just kidding, that’s a stretch!

But, nevertheless we are very dependent on technology. Imagine sailing using only the stars, the moon, the sun and the sea as your only navigational tools – your “Google maps”. This is how Nainoa Thompson, Hokele’a’s navigator, guides Hokele’a and her crew around the globe. Hokule’a has been sailing since 1975, with voyages to some of the most remote islands on earth. Currently, Hokele’a along with their sister ship, Hikianalia, are on the Malama Honua Worldwide Voyage, circumnavigating the globe while holding true to the almost forgotten Polynesian sailing and navigation methods. Their voyage is an effort to raise awareness of the importance of living sustainably and working together for a common goal.

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sail 3 (1)

crew 2 (1)

One of the greatest things about St. John and our community is our amazing ability to mobilize, and last week was no exception. I mean seriously, give us locals a good reason to rally and we are unstoppable. Clark Beam, a longtime community member and sailing charter captain of Coral Bay, had gotten the message that Hokele’a was on her way to St. John. Instantly inspired by Hokele’a, the Hawaiians and their commitment to their values of tradition and sustainable living mission, Clark knew St. John needed to give them the welcome they deserved. To make this an even bigger deal than it already was, Hokule’a had a St. Johnian as crew named Heidi. Heidi was on her way home via Hokele’a, what an awesome ride home, right?

After realizing nothing had been planned for community events, Clark approached Beverly, owner of Pickles in Paradise in Coral Bay about hosting the captain, crew and support team of the Hokele’a. Beverly, a great supporter of community events, was in and after before we knew it Lindsey Chabot’s Thursday night Veg Night at Pickles in Paradise had become a St. John-style island welcome party! It truly took a village to put on such a great party and WE DID!!! Countless names deserve to be thanked for their help in pulling off such a fantastic party, but that’s how we roll. We are full of heart, full of love and took such joy in welcoming these amazing sailors to our rock.

The crew
The crew

Just as I expect many of you do, I have a torrid love affair with St. John. This island has a way of rooting itself firmly into our hearts, doesn’t it? One of my favorite things about this island is how you just really never know what’s going to happen on any given day. A week ago, I had barely heard of Hokele’a. Fast forward to last week; St. John threw one heck of a welcome party for our new friends from Hawaii at Pickles in Paradise and we were able to take one of the boats out to photograph her under sail as she left our waters. The icing on the cake? The day she set sail was my birthday and having the opportunity to photograph that beautiful rig under sail??? TOO COOL!!!!

Check out this video to see exactly what has gotten Leah so excited…

Plant Sale Today

plant sale

The VI Audubon is having a plant sale today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the St John Marketplace on the 2nd floor next to St John Hardware. The VI Audubon is a nonprofit with proceeds going to support youth education, wildlife rehab and habitat restoration.

Bowery’s Official Launch Party Happening Tonight

bowery interior

Amidst the Caribbean beach scene on St. John, there comes a new landscape: Bowery has arrived, and on March 4th, will celebrate its official launch! Bowery is a funky, laid back, air conditioned bar and “small plates” venue located in the sweetest spot in Wharfside Village. Steps away from the beach, adjacent to The Beach Bar, but completely of its own class, Bowery is a refreshing nook that welcomes all. Reminiscent of its namesake, Bowery is intended as a place for all to come together for drinking, dining and revelry, whether in flip flops or heels, in bathing suits or suits that are tailored.

Bowery will open its doors at 6pm each evening and will stay open late night. Cocktails range from Bulliet Manhattans and Tom Collins, to a fine selection of wines, spirits, and even canned beers. Above all, Bowery offers customized cocktails. Just let one of Bowery’s experienced barkeepers know what you’re in the mood for and they’ll tailor a delicious cocktail on the spot to your specs. Bowery’s nightly menu will be a rotation of different savory delicacies. Some staples include The Bowery Board, a charcuterie board of fine meats, cheeses, fruits and jams. Other dishes include crabmeat cocktail, ceviche, gourmet pinwheels, and vegetarian samplers.

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bowery food

bowery interior 2

So if you’re lucky enough to be on St. John this evening, be sure to stop by Bowery this evening after 8 p.m.

New (To Me) and Super Fun Beach Bar Alert

Cruz Bay Harbor

So when you live on an island, there are days from time to time when you simply want to get off the rock. Last Sunday happened to be one of those days for me. Luckily for me, I have fantastic friends. And even luckier for me, they have fantastic boats too. 🙂

My good friends Bridgett and Jimmy Key own Palm Tree Charters. If you’re not familiar with them, you should be. They’re ranked number one on TripAdvisor and happened to have taken over the business from the late and great Captain John Brandi, my super amazing Island Dad. They’re great people, and I highly recommend them. But back to our Sunday Funday…

Around noonish, we grabbed some cocktails and hopped on the Palma Bella 2, Palm Tree’s new 26-foot Glacier Bay power catamaran. We weren’t feeling the BVIs, so we opted to head over to Water Island. Water Island is located south of St. Thomas, near Charlotte Amalie harbor. It only took us about 30 minutes to get there from St. John and we didn’t have to pay custom’s fees – win win!

palma bella 2

back of palm tree

water island 1

water island 2

Now I have to admit, I had a lot of fun while we were on Water Island. So much fun that it’s hard to report back … oops? What I can say is that it was super fun, the people were great, the food was yummy and the drinks were ice cold. Oh and the company I was with was fantastic! I’m not sure what else you need in life folks 🙂

So next time you’re on island, think about checking out Water Island and our friends at Palm Tree Charters. In the meantime, check out a few more pics we took…

happens at the beach

view from bar

dinghys menu

buckets beer

cruzan umbrella

Dolphins at Christmas Cove!!

We don’t get too many dolphin sightings around the island, so when we do, it’s a big deal! Check out this video taken yesterday by Captain Jason Siska of Island Roots Charters. He encountered this cute little fella during a snorkel at Christmas Cove yesterday…

For those of you unfamiliar with Christmas Cove, it’s a nice little spot located behind Great St. James, which is just off of the southwest coast of St. John. It also happens to be the spot where Pizza Pi is. We wrote about our trip over there a few weeks back. Click here to read it in case you missed it.

In the meantime, here are a few more pics:

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On the Market: Cute Cottage with Sunset Views


What a better way to start the week than with a great new listing that’s both close to town and has great sunset views…

Located only five minutes from Cruz Bay on Beth Cruz Road, this two bedroom, two bathroom cottage as fantastic views of St. Thomas, the outlying islands and incredible sunset views to the West. This home has a great short-term rental history with one bedroom upstairs and a second private entrance to the downstairs bedroom and laundry. It also has a spacious storage and utility room bellow the house. It’s located in a quiet neighborhood with very little traffic. The home is located on .38 acres, giving it room for a pool or possible expansion.

Check out some pics:






This home is being offered for $695,000 by Jennifer Doran of 340 Real Estate Co. For more information, please contact Jennifer at [email protected]

Attention 8 Tuffers: Pasta in the Park

8 tuff pasta in the oark

Hey 8 Tuffers… this is for you!

Cruz Bay Landing, one of our favorites spots here on island, is holding a Pasta in the Park fundraiser tomorrow night, Friday, February 26th. It’s a pasta buffet and it includes a glass of wine. The cost is $25, and all proceeds go to the St John Cancer Fund. DJ Adonis will provide the music. The event runs from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Auction Time! Win Something Fantastic While Supporting Some Awesome Kids!

out of the blue villa
A stay at Out of the Blue villa is one of many items up for grabs at this year’s auction.

I love, love, love a good auction, and one of my favorites is happening soon … but you all can get in on the action now!

The 30th Annual Gifft Hill School Auction will be held on Saturday, March 5th at the Westin. The online auction, however, is up now. There are a few ways to get in on the action. We’ll get to that in a bit…

I’ve been teaching a web design elective course at the school since September, so I know firsthand how great these kids are and how they need all of our support. Did you know that roughly 70 percent of the kids receive scholarships? That’s why this auction is so important. So please, if you are able, join me in supporting these kids. Here’s how

1. You can buy a Golden Ticket.

Golden Tickets can be purchased for $100 and only 200 will be sold. Only one Golden Ticket winner will be chosen and that person will be able to choose whatever prize they’d like from a list of 21 pretty fantastic items. Prizes range from a seven-night trip to Africa to tickets to see Adele in New York City to a variety of seven-night stays here on St. John. When you buy the golden ticket, just choose whatever prize you want. And if you win, it’s yours. Click here to see the full list of items. 

2. You can bid on items during the live auction – either in person or by proxy.

The remaining items will be up for auction as well. If you are able to attend the event in person, great. You can bid on them during the live auction. If you cannot attend the event, simply bid on the items online and you will have a designated proxy bidder at the auction participating on your behalf. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Click here to buy a Golden Ticket.

Click here to check out a detailed list of items up for auction and to place your bids. 

Tickets for the event are sold out; however there is a waitlist. Please contact Molly Murrill at 340-776-1735 for more information.

And please, check out this amazing video that Steve Simonsen created for last year’s auction:


An Update on the Car Barge Situation

mister b

We’ve been getting a ton of emails on the car barge situation, so we thought we’d put out a quick update…

As of today, February 24th, the Mister B is still out of service. We’ve heard rumors that it may be coming back online soon, but unfortunately I think they are simply rumors. We just chatted with a woman over at Boyson, Inc., the Mister B’s owners, and she said they were not certain when their operations would resume.

In the meantime, the two other barges are running and have really stepped up their game in my opinion. Yes Saturdays may still be hectic due to it being turnover day for most villas, but it hasn’t been too bad when I’ve taken the Jeep over to St. Thomas. So in my opinion, there’s no need to worry. If you happen to be stuck waiting for a bit, grab a cocktail and enjoy the view. 🙂

In other ferry news, the one-way fare for both the Captain Vic and Island Vic are about to go up. Effective March 1st, the one-way cost will be $35. The round trip price will remain at $50. One of the nice things about these ferries is that their tickets never expire.

We’ll keep you posted on what we hear about the Mister B…