
Best beach on St John is …

Nearly 400 people can't be wrong, can they?  

One out of four people voting in this week's NewsofStJohn.com poll said Maho is the island's best beach.

In second place, Cinnamon Bay, followed by Hawksnest and Francis Bay.

Write-in votes were cast for Solomon (4), Waterlemon and Vie's (3 each). Perhaps the most telling vote came from a reader who wrote, "Not tellin."

7 thoughts on “Best beach on St John is …”

  1. I am with the guy that said “not tellin.” The reason they are the best is because nobody else goes to them!!

  2. I agree with “Not Tellin” Thank goodness my favorite beach is not listed!!
    Although Maho and Francis are right up there!

  3. I photographed each North Coast Beach from the water, visited and photographed most of the beaches by land, and am convinced that the worst St. John Beach is……………Better than any beach anywhere else in the world! Dolores’ Jim

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