
What time is it on St. John?

With the return of Eastern Standard Time, it is one hour later on St. John than it is in New York.  While the island rarely appears to move at a faster pace than the mainland, the end of Daylight Savings Time makes it appear to be so.

So, if you’ve got calls to make to the island weekdays … it’s a good idea to do it before 4pm eastern, ’cause it’s 5pm there and … well, you know the song, "It’s five o’clock somewhere."

What time is it in St. John?  Here’s the answer.

2 thoughts on “What time is it on St. John?”

  1. It’s all too weird! Can’t we just leave the universe alone and live without changing “time zones”. What the hell does that mean anyway and how can I jump off the bus??

  2. I’m with you.
    As I believe Ned Beatty said in “Network”, “You’re’ messing with the forces of the Universe.”

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