
Details on the Green Flash…


For those who follow me on our Facebook page, you know that watching the sunset is one of my favorite things to do here on St. John. This time of year is extra special because it’s the one time of year we can we possibly see the green flash.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the green flash, it’s something very cool that can happen here over the winter months. Just as the sun sets over the horizon, you can see a quick flash of green as the upper rim of the sun falls into the water. (It obviously doesn’t fall into the water, but you all know what I mean 🙂 ) It only lasts for about a second or two, so you really have to be lucky to actually see it. I’ve only seen it twice, but it was very cool.

Here’s a great photo of it courtesy of Yelena Rogers Photography. It’ll give you an idea what to look for…

The Green Flash
The Green Flash

I was at Villa Tesori last week for the ACC gala. It’s located on a hill overlooking the south shore, and it had a great view of the sun dipping into the water. The owners said they were able to see the green flash just last week. So, if you are lucky enough to have a sunset view where you live or are staying, check it out from home. I promise you it’s very cool. And if any of you have a picture of it, please send it to us at [email protected].

3 thoughts on “Details on the Green Flash…”

  1. Just stumbled on this post about the Green Flash … you may not know that it can be seen at sunRISE as well as sunset. I certainly didn’t, until the time, on a beach on Kau’ai, there it was! I had been looking and looking for the flash at sunset, every time we were anywhere with a watery horizon, for years. No dice. (It takes patience, but when you see it, it’s incredible.) When it shows at sunrise it is the instant immediately BEFORE the sun appears. Brilliant lime green! Amazing!

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