We’re happy to announce that a date has been set for one of St. John’s best events – Wagapalooza.
Wagapalooza, the Animal Care Center’s annual untypical dog show, will be held on Saturday, May 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Winston Wells Ball Field in Cruz Bay. This very cool event is a fundraiser for the ACC, an organization near and dear to our hearts here at News of St. John.
As in past years, classes to be judged include Best Old Timer, Costume Class, Best Adult Handler, Best Junior Handler, Best Trick, Best Look Alike (to owner), Best Friend, Babe Award, as well as Waga King and Queen.
Fabulous food will be provided by Kati Steinborn of Weddings by Katilady. Beverages will be served by Joe Palminteri. The event will also have music and a bounce house to keep the kids busy.
As always, all proceeds from the event go directly to the ACC. Monies raised are used to keep the shelter open, medicate the cats and dogs, fund travel to send the animals to their “forever homes” and to purchase food for the ACC’s feeding stations which are located throughout the island and help St. John’s homeless kittens and cats.
Admission is free. Registration for class entrants will be held at 4:15 p.m. (Class entry fees to be announced.) Dogs not participating in show categories who are simply attending to visit can participate in the free Parade of Paws with a $5 donation to the ACC.
For additional information and to become a sponsor, please call Lucy Banks at (340) 693-7448.