One of the most common questions that all of us on island get is – what’s the weather going to be like? Does it rain all the time here? When will it stop? The answer is – yes, it rains from time to time. Nine times out of 10, it will be sunny. And it will probably stop soon.
But for those of you yearning for a bit more detailed and real time weather information, you’re going to love this new website that just launched – is the brainchild of Kevin McCarthy. Kevin happens to be the owner of Coconuts and Plumeria villas up on Gifft Hill – two villas with amazing views, especially around sunset. Kevin’s been working on the site for quite awhile and I have to say, it’s pretty darn cool. has real time information including satellite loops and ocean forecasts including wave heights and temperatures. It has tropical storm and Saharan dust forecasts too. Check out a few screenshots:
It also has a few fun features like the Trunk Bay Tourist forecast – how many cruise ships are in port on any given day – and a Megayacht forecast with a link to an AIS tracker. The site also has historical weather information, as well as some detailed descriptions about our weather patterns down here.
So if you happen to be on island and want to know what’s happening in the skies, or if you’re planning a trip and want to know what the weather is typically like in mid-December, check out