Subtropical storm Olga brought as much as two inches of rain to the Virgin Islands Monday night and Tuesday, with the possibility of continuing wind and water squalls Wednesday, according to the National Weather Center in San Juan. Winds of 20 to 25 miles an hour were forecast. The measuring station on Ajax Peak on St. John recorded a gust of 30 miles an hour, according to the St. John Source. There were scattered reports of power outages although an official of the VI Territorial Emergency Management Agency said he was unaware of such problems on St. John.
Islandia real estate’s Marty Beechler posted an item about the storm on his blog, too. The picture is his.
Can you tell me what the normal winds are during the month of June. Planning a sailing trip and need to know what kind of winds to expect.
Thank you.
I’d suggest you scour for its archive of weather conditions.
That should help.