Where Am I?

Where Am I?

One of the first things most visitors do when arriving on St. John – whether it’s their first trip or their 20th – is to take the iconic North Shore Road and stop for photos at the world-famous Trunk Bay Lookout.  I even know of one particular resident *ehem* who still does the same, every time she opts for the scenic route in lieu of Centerline.

It’s me.  I’m that resident.  As a 30-year visitor and now a nearly five-year resident, one would think I would have enough photos of St. John to satisfy the self-proclaimed photographer in me.  (Nope)

On an island 7ish by 3ish square miles, one would also think there is a limited number of objects one could photograph.  But for those who slow down and look around, so much beauty can be found in ordinary objects, and there is no limit to the photographic opportunities on St. John.

Where Am I? 1

We wanted to share some of our photos to help inspire your own creative inner photographer, and thought it might be fun to incorporate them into a “Where Am I?” series.

Some, like the one today, might be easy for repeat guests who consider St. John their second home.  Others we are hoping are a bit more of a challenge.  In any event, we hope it reminds everyone to keep their eyes and imagination open for some unique shots beyond just the photos of our beautiful beaches.  (Although I admit that my hard drive is filled with thousands of those, too!)

So …  WHERE AM I?  Here is a clue:

This popular spot was built by a local resident in the 1970s and inspired by the architecture of the Danish plantations

Please comment below with your guesses!


Where Am I? 2

24 thoughts on “Where Am I?”

  1. Mongoose. ahhh how I miss this place. Grabbing lunch at North Shore and taking it to the beach with us. checking out all the great apparel at Big Planet. Having Scoops for dinner on the way back home from the beach. (Yes, I call our little cottage that we rent home when I am there.) Dinner at Greengo’s or the St John Brewer’s. uggghhh. I am sending prayers to all of you and myself too that we will be able to come for two weeks at the end of January. Love to all

  2. How about (instead) some of your older photos of ‘iconic’ spots, buildings, customs over last 30 years that were what made us want to LIVE here, but that have since disappeared? They might motivate us to get more active in the preservation of the bits that are left today. ‘Tings changin’ too fast and takin’ the beauty and the native warmth that made us choose this new home.
    I mean this to be heard in a positive way.
    Putting on the brakes, and respecting what worked will keep us from being the same as everywhere else. It will truly take a village to help preserve our edge.

    • Thanks Eduardo! I love it when the stream is running too. Not sure if you’re aware, but there are beautifully colored parrots who have taken up residence in the nearby trees! The mural has faded, but the message remains in the heart of those it touched.

  3. Great, unique shot of Mongoose! I will definitely plan to get more unique shots on our next visit (I, too, have a hard drive full of those beautiful overlooks and beaches over the last 13 years of visiting). Thanks for the beautiful image!

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