Interesting thread on’s St. John Forum.
Troyce started it, writing “I’ve seen some statements that things are overrated such as brunch at Miss Lucy’s and the Trunk Bay snorkel trail. What are the top things you WOULD NOT do?”
Pia, a local, said you should “not wear a bathing suit without a cover up "that includes you guys-wear a t shirt please) around town.
Larryjohn had several recommendations including, “I WOULD NOT … forget to say ‘good morning, afternoon, evening … complain about prices …drive like a local … go to Trunk Bay between 9 and 5 … walk around town with a drink in hand … (and) leave water running.”
Two other fans of the island offered their take on the same question, with a wide divergence. VIaddict sad, “I would not take my cell phone, think about work, worry about stuff at home, or plan many activities.” But Tnkbstr55 cautioned you not to go to the beach without a cell phone … or iPod, or radio. “Watch the day unfold. If “you’re) lucky, you’ll watch a pelican catch a meal 10 feet in front of you.”
Here’s a link to the forum thread: