
What business would you start on St. John?

Seeing that the Back Yard space is under contract, Mrs. Inquiring Iguana and I were speculating about the kind of business that might go in there. 

Surely the buyers know what they’re going to do. But … if you were the buyer … and could open any business you wanted … what would it be? 

What does St. John "need"?

A Starbucks? A delicatessen? A ‘native crafts’ outlet?

Make your suggestion here.

16 thoughts on “What business would you start on St. John?”

  1. Not having seen the place, or knowing what size. I’d do a sports bar serving lunch and dinner. Karaoke during the week and maybe local live music on weekends.

  2. A Tax Collection Agency, thats about the only business that would be able to survive in St. John’s due to the unrealistic Property Taxes. Oh Wait I probably could not afford the taxes charged to afford to stay open.

  3. I would love to open a midwifery service/birth center for the families of St John to be able to give birth on their island.. either in their homes or the birth center.

  4. I’d love to relocate to St. John and open a fine wine shop. Not sure if it would fly or even be remotely successful, but that would be heaven for me.

  5. Oh come on, Frank – you’re just trying to think of another way to make more money. Come up with your own ideas!
    peace…. bert

  6. Hey, Bert … HA!
    Not really. Let’s get serious here. Owning a business on island is very hard … some partners and I did have the Mail Center for a couple years. It takes dedication, drive, imagination, and a willingness to do everything yourself, whether you know how to do it or not.
    Can be great fun and rewarding for the right person/people. But it does take a good idea … the island’s small and so a plethora of the same kind of business won’t make it.
    So … got an idea?

  7. I’d love to open an interior decorating business to work with all of the villa rental agencies! Along with offering updated brochures of course.

  8. After spending years visiting and once living on St John, I would offer an service to do in-home cooking and grocery shopping for those looking for a fitness lifestyle and offer one on one in/home workouts with gym equiptment . Rates would be;
    20. to do grocery shopping
    35. for each meal prepared for 4 people
    25. per one hour in home workout

  9. Christine: DO IT!! There are tons of babies being born here right now, but unfortunately most go through the stress and trouble of going to stt to do it. and many stt midwives have just stopped practicing. There’s definitely a need and desire for your services here, and a niche to fill!

  10. Suzanne, have you been to the island? The Starfish Market has a wonderful wine shop across from the grocery store. St John needs a parking garage where the tennis courts are. Downtown should be for walking and golf carts. A parking garage would generate revenue for the island and could probably be built with government grants and highway funds!

  11. I would open another hamburber place similiar to Skinny Legs, with specialty rum drinks, put a juke box with great music, and a funky laid back atmosphere….

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