So this is a post I did not intend to write, one I didn’t want to write, but I have decided that I can no longer keep quiet publicly.
Like many of you, I awoke Sunday morning to the horrific news that two donkeys were shot and killed near Calabash Boom. One of the donkeys was pregnant, which is why it is being circulated that three were killed. I am outraged. This community is outraged. And we all should be.
On Sunday afternoon, we learned that a dog was suffocated, a plastic bag was tied over its head, and it was left at the Animal Care Center. Our hearts broke yet again. And again, we, as a community, were outraged.
There is ugly everywhere in the world, and St. John is not immune to that. We are not living in a utopia, although many of us wish we were. Right now we have a resident who thinks the killing of animals is ok. That is frightening, and it is not ok.
I have the utmost faith that our police department will find the person or people responsible and hold them accountable.