
Watching the Super Bowl on St. John

Skinny Legs
in Coral Bay is known for several things: Great bartenders, good hamburgers in paradise, and rabid New England Patriot fans.  If you’ve never watched a Pats’ regular season game at Skinny’s, you haven’t seen extreme sports bar fervor. 

Now that New England is in the Super Bowl – watch out.  If you’re on island and want to watch it there Sunday, I’d suggest you grab a table for lunch – and don’t move. 

Keep calling for Greenies and by kickoff, you’ll be in the middle of a noisy mob.

Other places to catch the game on island …well, there’s the sports bar on the second floor of Wharfside Shoppinh Center. The Banana Deck has a couple of TVs. The Quiet Mon bar will be anything but quiet by game time. Pastory Gardens also has a big screen TV. Heck, the game will be everywhere – even Cap’s Place.

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