Good Morning Good Morning! And Happy Fri-YAY! It’s looking to be an amazing Mothers’ Day weekend here on St. John with a few fun happenings around island…The Bluegrass State isn’t the only place with a race! And, if you’re lucky enough to be on St. John tomorrow, set your eyes on the horizon line in Coral Bay to watch for the beautiful vessels and their crews participating in the 26th Annual Commodore’s Cup Regatta!
There is something so special about witnessing a sailing regatta. From afar, the tiny white sails grow larger as they approach…Seemingly with ease and grace and a certain magic about them. While, on board, the sailors shout and run about easing and trimming the sails, leaned over sideways. It’s just beautiful…
If you feel the same, and happen to be popping through Coral Bay tomorrow and/or Sunday, you are in LUCK! Because this year’s Commodore’s Cup Regatta will be taking place over the “course” of the weekend (pun intended). Tomorrow the race begins at 1:30PM and Sunday at 10AM.
This year’s Regatta is a collaboration between the Coral Bay Yacht Club and St. John Yacht Club and will benefit Kids and the Sea (KATS). KATS is a non-profit marine organization which promotes kids safely having fun on the water and teaches the children of St. John the ways of the sea. This valued organization has not been in operation since the storm and Coral Bay Yacht Club Commodore, Leah Randall Hansen, has high hopes that this weekend’s events and fundraising efforts will be the push that they need to get up and operational again…And get those kiddos back out on the water!
In addition to the Regatta entry fees going to KATS, there is a raffle…And you can play along from home!
This year, Leah and St. John Yacht Club Commodore, Sarah Swan, along with the support of many local businesses and volunteers, have put together one of the BIGGEST Commodore’s Cup raffles to date! Prizes include five Vibe Collection necklaces, dining certificates and boat trips with Flyaway Charters, Charter Seahorse, Ocean Runner, Big Blue Excursions and Salt Deck. If you are on island, you can purchase tickets at Connections in Coral Bay (next to Skinny Legs) or at St. John Hardware until noon tomorrow (Saturday, May 7).
If you are NOT on island but those beautiful necklaces are catching your eye, you can purchase raffle tickets via PayPal to join in the fun and support KATS as well. Tickets are available via the Coral Bay Yacht Club PayPal Account ([email protected]) until noon tomorrow as well! If you purchase tickets online, please include your contact info and REGATTA RAFFLE so the organizers know who to contact about your winnings. Tickets at any location and online are $5 a piece or $20 for five tickets.
What’s that you say? You want to watch the Derby so you can cheer for Zozos as well? Well, Skinny Legs has you covered! A derby party is happening at the best burger bar on island tomorrow at 5PM with live music to follow. So…Regatta>Derby>Music? Sounds like a great day to me!

And, on Sunday, be sure to swing by Salty Mongoose for the awards ceremony and after party at 2PM to congratulate the winners, witness the raffle drawing, eat, drink and be merry.
Have a great weekend everyone….And to all of you Mothers out there, I hope that your weekend is filled with flowers, sweet memories and lots and lots of love.
Sailing photos from 2021 Commodore’s Cup by Commodore Leah
Derby was fantastic this year as always but I think sailing in the Regatta and a Skinny Legs Burger and Derby Party might be a photo finish!!!