We generally update you on seasonally scheduled closings a bit closer to the peak hurricane season months. In light of the reopening of St. John to tourism, and A LOT of variations as to what business owners are deciding to do, we thought this might be a good time to clue you in as to what your restaurant options are this month!
We are excited to say that MANY of your favorite restaurants are bouncing back immediately! The majority are operating with full service and full menus seven days a week. Some, however, are sticking to take-out for now while others are postponing the announcement of a reopening date until we see how this goes. This list was updated as of June 1st, but be sure to check their websites or social media pages for updates as we move through this next transition together!
Also, please keep in mind when visiting your favorite Love City establishments that all businesses are required to follow current VI Social Distancing protocol. Jenn posted a great recap on the overall rules for the territory last week. We are currently in Phase Blue – Open Doors.

To recap the restaurant and bar specific rules:
- Establishments may operate at 50% capacity or 50 people. Whichever is less.
- All employees are required to wear masks. Patrons may be required at the discretion of the business owner….All other commercial entities are on a strict “No mask, No service.” policy. (Stores, taxis, the passenger ferry, etc.)
- All tables and bar stools will be separated by the staff according to social distancing measures.
- No parties larger than 6 people will be permitted to sit together.

Please be patient with restaurant owners and staff with these regulations in mind. They are in jeopardy of losing their business license if they are non-compliant.
The following restaurants are OPEN! —Or scheduled to reopen soon!
The Tap Room – 7 days a week, 11am-11:45PM
North Shore Deli – 7 days a week, 8AM-3PM
Greengo’s Caribbean Cantina St. John – 7 days a week, 11AM-8PM
The Sun Dog Café – 7 days a week, 9AM-9PM
Shambles – Closed Mondays & Tuesdays, Weds-Sun 12PM-8PM
Beach Bar- 7 days a week, 11AM-?
Café Roma- Closed Saturdays, Sun-Fri 4PM-8PM

Cruz Bay Landing- 7 days a week, 7AM-9PM
Dr!nk St. John – 7 days a week, 5PM-10PM
High Tide Bar and Grill – 7 days a week, 8AM-11PM
Lime Inn –Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat 4PM-9PM
Kati Ligo – Island Cork – Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat 9AM-8:30PM
Little Olive Food Truck – Wednesday-Friday, 11AM-3PM
Maho Crossroads – 7 days a week, 11:30AM-4PM
Bikinis on the Beach at Honeymoon – 7 days a week, 9AM-6PM
Morgan’s Mango – 7 days a week, 5:30PM-10:30PM
La Tapa – 7 days a week, 5PM-10PM
St. John Provisions – Closed Saturday & Sundays – Mon-Fri 6AM-1PM
Our Market Smoothies – Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat 9AM-5PM
Pizza Pi (located in Christmas Cove) – Closed Mondays and Tuesdays, Weds-Sun, 11AM-6PM
Sam and Jack’s Deli – Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat 9AM-3PM
Shaibu’s Grab and Go – Closed Saturdays and Sundays, Mon-Fri 8AM-3PM
Skinny Legs – 7 days a week, 11AM-8PM
St. John Scoops – 7 days a week, Noon-8PM
Tap & Still St. John – 7 days a week, 11AM-10PM

Dave and Jerry’s Island Steakhouse – Opening June 8, Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat 5PM-9PM
Uncle Joe’s BBQ – 7 days a week, 11AM-8:30PM (Closes at 6:30 on Sundays)
Longboard – Open Thursday, June 4, 7 days a week, 3PM-11PM (Kitchen closes at 10PM)
Woody’s – 7 days a week, Noon-11PM
Lovango Rum Bar – Closed Sundays & Mondays, Tues-Sat 4PM-9PM
Oceans 362 – Closed Tuesdays, Weds-Mon 5PM-9PM
420 to Center/G-Spot – Bar open 7 days a week, 11-?, Kitchen Noon-?
Irie Pops – Closed Sundays, Mon-Sat Noon-4PM
18⁰64- Takeout Only – Closed Mondays, Tues-Sun, Noon-6PM
Lime Out – Boat Pickup/Drop off at Coral Bay Dock only- Closed Wednesdays & Thursdays, Fri-Tues 11AM-5PM
Gwen’s – Call at least 24 hours in advance to special order Conch, Fish, Chicken or Shrimp – Take-out only.
P and P’s by the Sea – Pre-order take-out on scheduled days only.
Banana Deck – Re-opening mid-late June
Miss Lucy’s – Tentative plan to re-openmid-June
The following restaurants have not determined a reopening date as of yet. Everything is changing quite rapidly and restaurant owners are deciding a lot of “what’s next” based on the safety of their staff and their VERY valued guests. They appreciate your patience and your support.
Aqua Bistro
Joe’s Rum Hut
Rhumb Lines
The Terrace
Pizzabar in Paradise
Quiet Mon Pub
Coral Bay Caribbean Oasis
Extra Virgin Bistro
We will continue to update you as these transitions occur. But hopefully, our favorite spots will continue to re-open their doors throughout the summer until regularly scheduled off-season closures begin.
As we mentioned above, things are changing daily. If you have information on any establishments that you do not see listed above or corrections to the ones you do, please email us or post it in the comments!
Thanks for the update; we are coming July 3rd 🙂
Is the restaurant Da Livio still in St. John?
No it is not. That space is now Dave & Jerry’s Island Steakhouse
Thank you for letting me know! That was our favorite place to eat. I will have to find another 🙂
Thank you!
Any news about Miss Lucy’s?
Tentative plan to re-open mid-June.
DaLivio’s was sold and that location is now Dave and Jerry’s Steakhouse. Livio Leoni recently opened DaLivio’s in Fort Lauderdale and we are looking forward to going there in a few weeks.
Thank you! We will stop by in FL!
how about the Pink Corner in coral bay?
Is the new place on Lovango open?
Zozo’s H20 was previously on Lovango but announced recently that they are closed and not re-opening in that location. There has been no announcement as to what the developers of the resort have planned there.
Hello, do you have updates to share for 2021 restaurant openings as “spring break” high season is approaching? Many thanks!
Hi we are visiting June of 2021. Are most of the restrants open and if so which ones? Margarita Phils, Ocean Grill, Tapas…..