
Parking Problems at Cruz Bay Lot

police car at no parking sign

We know, we know – parking is always an issue in Cruz Bay. It’s bad enough that a ton of parking spaces are no longer available at the US Custom’s parking lot, but the police are now ticketing over at the Enighed Pond parking lot. Not cool.

At some point in recent days or even perhaps in recent weeks, a new sign popped up over at the Enighed Pond lot. It looks part official and part craft project. It says “No Parking” with what appears to be a spray painted arrow pointing to the left. Here’s a close up:

no parking close up

No parking Enighed

We’re not really sure why this sign was posted other than to give the police prime parking at the lot. But what we do know is that the police have been actively enforcing it all week.

A News of St. John reader received this lovely little ticket on Tuesday:

ticket up close

And they were back out enforcing the sign again Thursday afternoon:

jeep parking ticketA word to the wise folks – beware of handpainted government signs. Your wallet will thank you.