
Super-soft souvenir of St. John

Tshirt Almost three years ago, Shannon Thompson made her first visit to the island.  Little did she realize that the vacation would lead her to start a business,  Wearable Souvenirs, the newest advertiser on NewsofStJohn.com.

Returning to her Ohio home, Thompson's mind kept taking her back to St. John. "I decided that if I couldn't get myself to the island, I could at least has a wearable souvenir, a piece of the island keeping me warm." 

"There were shirts I wanted … shirts I wasn't seeing for sale on the island," she said.  So, she did it the old fashion way.  Her way! 

Working with island designer Chelsea O'Brien, she developed six designs, each of which reflects the island's humor, quirkiness, and relaxed approach to life. "I hope they put a smile on your face and that the super-soft organic cotton reminds you of the super-soft sand of Cinnamon Bay," she said.

3 thoughts on “Super-soft souvenir of St. John”

  1. I couldn’t agree more that supporting the local economy is important. Our shirts will be available on island soon! They’re shipping that way next week. You can check our ‘Where to Find Us’ page on the website next month to find links to those shops. Thanks!

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