
St. John wants ‘Showtime!’

GraphThe voters have spoken and they want to see a show.


Nearly 45 percent of people who expressed their opinion about a list of possible new businesses on the island endorsed the choice of a Movie Theater

Two possible retail opportunities finished tied for second place, yogurt store and an outlet for kitchen and cooking supplies.

There were a number of write-in votes for a Coral Bay gas station, parking lots in Cruz Bay, and a Trader Joe’s anywhere.

4 thoughts on “St. John wants ‘Showtime!’”

  1. That’s a great idea–Couple million to set up, equipment that constantly breaks down, air conditioning bills of $97,000 per month (or you could try no a/c). If you could get 1000 people a day to bowl and spend $30 each it might work!

  2. WTF? bowling alleys and movie theaters, If u find any bored toutists please send the home. Let me see you come to paradise and you want to go to a show ? bowling? how about going out to lunch,dinner,brunch cocktails,swimming,diving, go to the beach, people watching, volunteering at the animal shelter. with all the island has to offerif you get board you kight as well go home.

  3. I think they should put a screen in ocean grill and do movies there once a week.
    Movies and dinner and a maybe even have a special movie when it rains.

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