Hello everyone and happy Friday! It’s a rainy day here on St. John, but he have some bright news to share with you all today! St. John is featured on the cover of the latest edition of Coastal Living magazine. How fantastic is that?!!
A beautiful snapshot of Gibney cottages is featured on the cover, and the story also mentions The Longboard, Miss Lucy’s, Estate Lindholm and the Westin. Here’s a sneak peek:
Please pick up the latest issue to read the story in its entirety. You can also click here to purchase a digital copy.
On a different note…
We finally saw the images coming out of the Florida Panhandle late last night, and our heart broke for the residents there. Many of us here on St. John know exactly how you are feeling today. In the days following Irma when we, too, were surrounded by destruction, many of us felt helpless. But please know that you are all stronger than you think. You can get thought this, and things will get better. Please know that so many of us down here are thinking of you all. Stay strong and help your neighbors.
My favorite magazine, I eagerly await it’s delivery every month.
I’m assuming those photos are pre-Irma?
No they’re not
Assumed wrong.
Great article and a fair assessment I think. On the other mention: is the Florida storm news bringing up bad memories for residents? Is this an area where visitors should tread lightly?
Question to the St. John virtual community – a group of 8 of us will be visiting St. John early November, a reschedule of our trip from last year which was canceled due to the hurricane. It will be a belated 50th birthday celebration, in St. John, our favorite spot in the world. We look forward to seeing how the community has recovered and progressed, and we hope to come back to some of our favorite spots. Here’s our question – with the Westin out of service, does anyone have recommendations on where we can play tennis? We are an active group and hope to play as many days as possible while we’re there. Thanks for any assistance!
Kiet, there are tennis courts in “down town”.
Thank you so much. Do you know if those downtown public courts are usable, given last year’s hurricane? I didn’t know if those courts were damaged.
Kiet, I’m not sure of true condition, but the court seemed at least functional. We saw people playing tennis last week.
Just received my issue of Coastal Living today. Cannot wait to begin reading the article. Congrats.