
So Many Boats in Our Bays…

So Many Boats in Our Bays... 1
Caneel Bay

Hello everyone, and happy Tuesday! I took a spin around the island yesterday, and I could not get over the sheer number of boats that are anchored and moored in our bays. It was pretty unbelievable. I spoke with a woman at Maho a few days back, and she told me that the US Virgin Islands was the only place that was accepting boaters. Several countries down island were not letting them in, so they chose to travel here. And as a result, our bays are extremely crowded.

So Many Boats in Our Bays... 2
So Many Boats in Our Bays... 3
Rendezvous Bay

Over at Maho and Francis, it appeared that every single mooring was taken. I cannot recall the last time that has happened. I took several pics to share with all of you.

So Many Boats in Our Bays... 4
So Many Boats in Our Bays... 5
So Many Boats in Our Bays... 6

Have a wonderful day everyone. Stay safe.

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9 thoughts on “So Many Boats in Our Bays…”

  1. Glad boaters found a refuge, but I would not swim in those bays right now due to black water discharge. They are supposed to empty out their holds three miles out from any land. They should also organize trash removal and be good guests.

  2. I thought all the villas and hotel rooms were closed. So, are these people staying on their boats and having groceries delivered?

    Or are they on-island, possibly spreading COVID-19?

    Assuming you don’t have the ability to test everyone before they get off their boats. I mean, it’s great to give them a place to go, but who was out cruising around the Caribbean during a global pandemic?

  3. I understand that many of these are U.S. flagged or owned and are normally available for weekly and longer charter and don’t have a permanent mooring. Since they can’t charter right now, most are just hanging out until they can.

  4. We spoke to a ranger last week and he said that since the park was closed, that the moorings are free, so that is an additional reason for the numerous boats.

  5. If Starfish is on their toes they should be organizing food/drink/ice delivery to the vessels. Do they have a website to take orders and credit cards? That will keep all these folks who are currently “portless” from going ashore and spreading potential viruses since most of the restaurants and shops are closed anyway. Perhaps the park rangers can cruise by and let them know what’s going on and encourage them to remain aboard

  6. Keep the island safe friends! We are praying we can come visit in end of May Thank you for the daily updates of the island. Love and light.

  7. We just got back last night. We’d spent the last 2 1/2 weeks up on Sunset Ridge. We talked to a woman off of a beautiful catamaran on Salt Pond. Keeping a respectful distance she explained that they were from Boise Idaho, sold their home and had been cruising around for the past year. Since they were American citizens, the Virgin Islands was the last place that they could find refuge in the Caribbean. People on the cruising networks had offered to help with provisioning. She seemed so grateful that someone was willing to chat with them.

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