At least one Virgin Islands Senator doesn’t like what he hears on the radio each morning. That’s when St. Croix’s Roger W. Morgan does his talk show.
The Wall Street Journal reported that Sen. Ronald E. Russell and others are urging the Federal Communications Commission to block Morgan’s planned purchase of WYAC-FM, 93.5, on which he broadcasts now. Morgan’s sin was mounting a recall campaign for the Senators after they voted themselves a 31 percent pay raise.
Sen. Russell has also accused the former stateside disc jockey/now
island talk show host of attempting to over throw the VI government.
You can hear Morgan’s shows by downloading his “Free Speech” podcasts here.
Free Speech or Slander and Misinformation of island leaders? My take on it is that it is complete slander and misinformation that is being conveyed to everyone that listens to the show. Roger Morgan does not tolerate criticism or any caller who contradicts the misinformation that he puts out.
Regardless of Roger W. Morgan’s lack of toleration for oposing oppionions, the senators’ move to block his purchase of a radio station was done strictly out of spite, because for once in Virgin Islands’ history, someone was willing to put a blaring flood light on the irrational and self-serving actions of the so-called “public servants” we refer to as senators in the territory. With the deterioration of the schools and our communities as a whole, the governing body of the territory should be looking to place much needed funds into programmes that will improve the safety of our community and prepare our youths to become future leaders, yet they (save a select few) take every opportunity they can to fatten their own pockets while the rest of the community, including retired government workers who cannot receive their hard earned retirement money from the run down GERS fund, struggle day to day just to keep the lights on and food on the table. If Roger W. Morgan wants to put the senators on blast for their more than audacious behaviour, then more power to him. It’s about time someone was bold enough to say in a public forum what many discuss only behind closed doors!
“we don’t see things as they are…we see things as WE are”.
My opinion is that FINALLY people in our VI’s are openly discussing issues that have been only talked about behind closed doors. This is GOOD for all of us. I believe Roger W. Morgan is building bridges for people to listen to each other -not walls. If he has been personally reactive because of “FCC melee” that cost him a hundred grand and threatened his livelihood as well as The People’s freedom of speech-I say “And how would YOU handle this?”. He has done well-in my opinion. He has carried a big burden to protect our Constitutional rights because of a number of small-minded Senators who used their Legislative Powers inappropriately to silence freedom of speech. I am PROUD of the listeners of that show; their diversity and courage.
I am a supporter and invite others to listen in. Change is happening-Roger has been a catalyst for good things in our Islands!
IN St.Thomas the white & black state siders seem to use wise judgement when getting involved in local politricks, they DONT! I enjoy your forum, but feel you are causing more harm by inciting anger between whites & blacks. Let the senators keep there 85 large & all they can steal, the Feds will take care of them. The Fed. sentencing guide lines are due punishment. Believe me the 85 is not enough! By the way HLS alarms were lit up over this whole KKK fiasco. Question, if you had invested 500 million into these Islands, wouldn’t u be on the phone to your buds in DC. Keep cool let big boys deal with corruption, they can afford to.
Dear Roger, I used to listen to your show when we were vacation on St.Croix USVI I have grown to love that Island over the years, yet The Lesbian couple Simone and Sheryl have driven away all the GAY Men from SandCastle. I own my own internet travel business and reccomend everyone going to St.Croix USVI because I still LOVE that Island so very much. I tell my GAY Clients to go to the Divi or to the Marriot Caranbola Bay Resort. Can you please let me know if a GAY Couple (Two Men) have purchased it yet, or is it now entirely STRAIGHT. I do not know if you know the History of SandCastle at All. But back in 1993 the very first year my partner and went there, We met Bill Owens the orginal owner. He and his late partner built it for GAY Men, not for Straight people, because their philoshpy was the Whole world is for Straight people, this is for US. Now it is mostly all Straight and the girls have ran off almost the entire GAY Men that once went there. They didn’t seem to realize that GAY Men spend more money, are cleaner, and generally are alot nicer than Women or Straight people. But as with so many things Change comes. Keep up your show and your free speech you are doing great down there at the Island I love. Take Care, Mark Urick in WI.