
Road map for Fish Bay paving

Fishbay Fish Bay land owners are being encouraged to pay their homeowner association dues in advance for ten years and have the money earmarked to pay the cost of putting a hard surface on Marina Drive, the development’s main access road.  The plan has been endorsed by the Estate Fish Bay Owners Association board.  If 40 percent of owners agree to participate, the project can be completed immediately and require no dues increase nor assessment, according to a description of the project on the Owners’ Association’s Web site. "The condition of Marina Drive is constantly in flux depending upon the whims of Mother nature," the association told members, to explain why the paving project is no longer a matter of "if", but "when.  "We won’t know the actual level of participation until the dues notices go out and the monies come in," Terry Pishko, president of the Association said on the organization’s message board.

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