Some businesses on island are using Vonage for their phone service. Visitors to the Virgin Islands are bringing their laptops and using Skype to make calls back to the mainland and around the world. So says Will Culver, founder and owner of Surf da Web. "In the Virgin Islands, we now have (Internet) access," Culver said. "The truth is that most of the villa renters can’t leave home without it, so as many as 40% of the rental homes have Wi-Fi networks. Culver estimates he’s done 250 wireless installations in the past three years.
In an interview, however, Culver raised the prospect of more trouble for buyers of condominiums at the two new Cruz Bay projects, Grande Bay and Sirenusa. While each property is advertising broadband Internet service will be available. Culver said he’s found "a lack of facilities" from the telephone company, Innovative Communications. "There’s plenty of bandwidth on the north and south shores. But in Cruz Bay, with tons of development, no facilities. Pretty poor planning."
For more about how the Internet is changing St. John, listen to an interview with Will Culver. Click the play button below.
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out of curiousity whare area code are these vonage people using – vonage doesn’t offer 340