You know it’s slow season when… you write about new taxis. Happy slow season folks!
So, I was coming home from a pretty amazing trip in California last week when I noticed that there were a few new taxis at the airport over on St. Thomas. These new taxis have very high ceilings, so you don’t have to crouch down when you get in. They also have very cold A/C, so you don’t have to sweat the entire way to or from the ferry.
So that’s the good news. The bad news is that they still cram more people into these things than they probably should. But you’re in paradise, so why worry. Enjoy your day folks!
good morning,
could you answer a quick question, do you know what complex in just north of Gift and Regenback Road. There are about 35 white roofs in that area. also just east of Hwy 104.
Are they for sale.
thank you and enjoy the island
Those houses are not for sale. I believe that is affordable housing.
That is Bellevue Village,
What you are looking at are new Ford Transits, the replacement for the amazing Econoline. In fact, year to date, Ford has outsold and out registered all other van manufacturers combined !!! Total market domination because of Ford/UAW quality ! Made in the USA