A portion of a new fleet of 200 SUVs purchased for the Virgin Islands Police is expected to be assigned to St. John.
The Virgin Islands Daily News says the government borrowed almost $8 million to buy the vehicles.
The newspaper reported, "The police must buy new cars every three years because of two collective bargaining agreements" if vehicles are more than three-years old or have logged more than 80,000 miles.
To get to 80,000 miles in three years, a vehicle would have to be driven 73 miles a day, every day.
Anyone who's driven past the St. John Police Headquarters in Cruz Bay might well scratch their head and wonder how any police vehicle on seven-mile long St. John could rack up that kind of mileage. Residents may also wonder because it is rare a police vehicle is seen anywhere other than parked outside Headquarters.
I know that the folks in Coral Bay have been complaining about the lack of cruise bys for years. The station should be empty and these officers should be out and about most of the time. Maybe with new SUVS their comfort will allow them to do more driving around and we can get the island crime rate back to normal
It basically works out to new SUV’s for the police every three years. What a waste of valuable resources.
What do they do with the used ones?
What! Does that mean they have to leave there office and work.