
New Boutique Opens in Cruz Bay

lulee shop

There’s a great new boutique that recently opened over at the Marketplace. We finally were able to swing by yesterday, and ladies, we promise you’re going to love it. And guys, this is a great place to shop for women. 🙂

The boutique is called Lulee. It’s owned by Lindsey Soper and her mother Anne. If the Slopers names sound familiar to you, it may be because Lindsey’s sister Molly owned St. John Editions for years. So I can easily say these ladies know a lot about great fashions and accessories.

Lulee sells activewear, swimwear, casual clothing and dresses from events – basically beach to dinner to gala. It’s located on the second floor at the Marketplace right near St. John Hardware and across from PostNet. It is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and half days on Sunday. (Lindsey said she plans to close on Sundays after high season.)

Here are a few pics so you can all see what great stuff you cash find at Lulee…

shop main

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