
More Work Happening at Wharfside; Joe’s Set to Expand


For those of you who’ve been around Wharfside Village in Cruz Bay the past couple of days, you may have noticed a lot of construction happening between The Beach Bar and Joe’s Rum Hut area…

As of Wednesday morning, most of the stairwell leading to old X on St. John bar is now gone. From what we hear, this project is paving the way for a little expansion over at Joe’s Rum Hut, as well as cleaning up the area. From the way it looks and once the construction is done, there will be a much larger waterfront seating area for Joe’s Rum Hut. I don’t know about all of you, but that sounds pretty fantastic to me!

No more stairs.
No more stairs.

We’re not too sure what’s happening upstairs, but we’ll let you all know once we do. In the meantime, have a great Wednesday everyone! I’m heading up to chilly Connecticut in a few hours to start shipping St. Johnopoly games, so if you haven’t ordered yours yet, you may want to do that now. 🙂 You can order yours at www.newsofstjohn.com/stjohnopoly All games should be received early next week.

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