
More rental cars for St. John?

Sjcr Nine out of 10 car rental companies told the Motor Vehicle Bureau they want authorization to rent more vehicles on St. John.  The reason: they’re losing business to St. Thomas agencies.

Albert Willis of St. John Car Rental said 60 to 70 rental cars a day are coming across on the ferry, the St. John Source reported.

St. John’s rental business operates under a quota of 625 cars.  However, the director of the MVB, Jerris Browne, said only 560 cars are registered, suggesting as many as 10% of the slots are not being used.  He promised a survey to see which companies are not using all their car authorizations.  Then, he will allocate unused slots to companies which can use them.

Naturally, when you talk about cars you’re also talking about parking.  Public parking is scarce on the island, as evidenced by the fact two paid parking lots opened in the past year.  Some rental companies told the Motor Vehicle Director that increasing the quota wouldn’t greatly affect parking since cars coming over from St. Thomas are already being accommodated.

At least one rental agency on St,. Thomas, Hertz, prohibits its cars coming across to St. John. It’s believed other companies’ contracts may have the same prohibition but they don’t enforce it.

Read the full Source story here: http://stjohnsource.com/content/news/local-news/2009/08/05/st-john-car-rental-companies-want-increase-quota

5 thoughts on “More rental cars for St. John?”

  1. We started renting on St. Thomas 3 trips ago and will probably not go back to renting on St. John. Though prices are comparable, the the big advantages are:
    1- Not having to deal with St. Thomas taxis.
    2- Cost to get from airport to St. John is much less expensive, especially as the number in your party goes up.
    3- Minimal handling of luggage.
    4- Being in control yourself is a lot less stressful.
    5- Stop and shop in cheaper St. Thomas stores for those inclined to do so.

  2. one reason visitors rent on St Thomas is that they can rent sedans and small cars not available on St John at a much lower cost than the SUVs available on St John.

  3. Hi
    I have been to st John many times. I always rent a car on the St John. That being said–I do not think MORE cars should be allowed to come onto St John. A large portion of the Island is dedicated to Nature. It should stay that way. perhaps making to more affordable and easier to take taxis and public transporation is the answer. Please do not let automobiles ruin the sanctuary of going to St John!

  4. I have been to St. John many times and always rent in St. Thomas. The rental agencies in St. Thomas allow you to take the top off the jeep without plenalty unless you cause damage which of course you have to pay.

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