
Make your home page a Webcam


John Daly, who manages some gorgeous villas has a great way of starting his morning.  He's made a Webcam at one of his Peter Bay villas his home page.  So when the day's work begins, the first things he sees on his computer screen is the waters of St. John extending to Jost and the BVIs.

Using the Webcams as home pages is also a convenient way to kind of stay in touch with the island all day, since the computer can default to the home page – and the Webcam shot – throughout the day.

Daly said his Webcam at Amorosa occasionally catches a shot of a sailboat passing the ferry to Tortola. He says it's almost as if he can hear the same surf sound that he listens to at the villa.

  • More about Villa Vacations rentals here.

1 thought on “Make your home page a Webcam”

  1. I loved traveling to St. John! It was so beautiful there. I’ve wanted to go back now that I have kids, but it seems as though it is too far of a plane ride right now. This year for family vacation, my family and I are checking out Gatlinburg vacation homes because it looks beautiful there and it isn’t too far. Thanks for sharing, I will keep this information in mind for the future!

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