
Maho recycling yields $250K

Maho Bay Camps
"Trash to Treasures" program is generating a quarter million dollars in sales, according to Stanley Selengut, the pioneering ecotourism developer.  In an article about "green" resorts, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
quoted Selengut saying proceeds from the efforts to turn much of the
resort’s glass and aluminum into craft items and fine arts supports the
resort’s conservation programs.  While Maho’s commitment to the
environment draws many of its 20,000 visitors a year, Selengut said,
"Others stay with bus because of our stunning location and may not even
be aware of the philosophies behind our operations."  The resort
emphasizes the use of recycled building materials such as "plastic
lumber" and glass tiles, the newspaper reported.  Wooden walkways above
the ground prevent erosion, reducing runoff which can harm the beach
and coral.  Selengut defined ecotourism, saying it "tries to give
travelers a responsible peek at places off the beaten path."

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