For those of you who prefer the Coral Bay side of the island over Cruz Bay, we have great news for you … Love City Mini Market has expanded! It’s since dropped the “Mini” and now refers to itself simply as Love City Market.
We stopped by the market the other day, and we have to say, it looks great. A whole section was added to the store and now it has a very large and extensive cold/freezer section. Check out a few pics:
They were still stocking the shelves the other day, which is why it’s looks a tad bare in some of the photos. But we have no doubt that everything will be stocked completely very soon.
The best part of this whole expansion in my opinion… they actually have ice cream that’s not freezer burned! That’s a rarity on this island. 🙂
Love City Market is open seven days a week from 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
This is great news! I’ll be in Coral Bay May27-Jun3 and was going to stop at Starfish after picking up Jeep in Cruz Bay. Now I can head right on over to Coral Bay and just make a quick stop at Love City for any frozen items and not worry about them melting/defrosting before getting to my lodging. I’m a happy girl! 😀
It looks great! The last time we were on the island (2005), we stopped in one night and were a little sketched out, to be honest. The people there looked at us as if they didn’t want us there, so maybe new ownership? Coral Bay deserves a full-service and successful market!
I hope to stop in in December!
We love the new store it’s beautiful you can find everything you need. We get a huge smile and a wave every time we come in. Super friendly people great job guys!
I LOVE ‘Love City Mkt”. Its been here for us through thick and thin. The employees are wonderful. Don’t judge a book by its cover – Love City is ‘real’ and has been our go-to-place long before long before marina dreamers thought of capturing the market.
Show your love and drop off a plant for outside!