The spirits of St. John still linger – and not just in the form of rum.
You may have remembered earlier this year when Frank Barnako wrote about a casting call for “funny people.” Well the casting call was held, the funny people were found, and they’re ready to take their show on the road – literally.
Jaywalk with Jumbies: The St. John Ghost Walk is a wacky, after dark walk through Cruz Bay, in which guests are encouraged to immerse themselves in island legends, folklore and ghastly history as performed by this newly formed comedy/improv troupe. They’re offering a free preview show this Thursday, December 5 to anyone and everyone who wants to check it out.
“St. John’s history is rich – there are countless fascinating stories spanning centuries and eras,” said Anne Ostrenko, who cofounded Jaywalk with Jumbies with Ken Haldin. “But we love to laugh! We tell true stories (and folktales, too) in a dramatic, wacky fashion – and then add costume changes! Nothing on St. John is dry – so why explore history in all serious tones? The show is meant be evolve and grow and respond to audience interest. Audience participation is encouraged.”
Thursday’s preview show kicks off at 6:30 at Across the Street Bar & Grill, which is directly across the street from Woody’s (aptly named). A second preview show is scheduled for next Thursday, December 12. Same time. Same location. Both visitors and locals are invited to attend these free events. All you have to do is call 1-888-610-5504 and put your name on the guest list.
It sounds like fun to us, and according to Anne, the troupe has really been working hard to make the walk great.
“These are hard-working thespians who have dedicated a lot of time and energy to this start-up,” Anne said. “Without their local knowledge, dedication to Heineken and desire to thrill, there would be no show.”
This is an 18 and older show. Flip flops are suggested.
Here’s a bit more from their website:
Jumbies* (*West Indian: the spirit of a dead person, typically an evil one) are those unsettled spirits that cause a little tingle on the back of your neck. Many souls have passed through this spellbinding place. Fierce Carib and Taino warriors. British Navy sailors. Pirates who plotted heists from hidden Caribbean coves. Pioneering Danes producing sugar on the backs of enslaved people.
At every sunset, especially moonless nights, it was a clash of cultures. And there was nowhere to run. (But there was rum and more rum.) You haven’t cruised Cruz Bay unless you’ve done it with our local pranksters.